JAKARTA - Having the desire to be able to present an integrated solution for every problem in the logistics industry, AGROS continues to develop its services and disseminate information to all related parties, including drivers.

Most recently, at the end of October 2021, AGROS launched the Warung Kerabat program to get closer and interact directly with drivers' relatives in their daily lives. This program works in collaboration with stalls that are often visited by drivers at 6 points spread across 4 cities in East Java, namely Malang, Lumajang, Tuban, and Bojonegoro.

At Warung Kerabat, the AGROS team conducted socialization related to the application and its benefits for the driver's relatives. Especially the ease and flexibility for the driver's relatives to choose the delivery project and determine the amount of income to be achieved.

That way it can be a solution to the problem of driver welfare that has often occurred. In addition to socializing AGROS to drivers who happen to stop by, Warung Kerabat is also used as a checkpoint location for interested parties who want to know more about AGROS. Checkpoint information at Warung Kerabat is also shared through social media Instagram @agrosindonesia.

This program has proven to attract the enthusiasm of various parties. In addition to the logistics truck drivers who are the main targets, Warung Kerabat is also visited by many logistics transportation fleet owners who are interested in the benefits offered by AGROS.

Through the Warung Kerabat program, as many as 350 people have joined as relatives of AGROS drivers. Not only that, but there were also 100 new transporter relatives who registered at the Warung Kerabat checkpoint location until the closing period on November 4, 2021.

AGROS's new relatives are spread from East Java, Central Java, Greater Jakarta, to Bali. The Warung Kerabat program also received appreciation from the shop owners who were invited to work together, one of which was Dudi, the owner of Warung Brasil 2 in Lumajang.

"I'm very happy with this Warung Kerabat activity. Driver friends are finally able to be technology literate and it's easier to find cargo," Dudi answered when interviewed at his shop in early November.

Seeing the enthusiasm of all parties, especially the driver's relatives, it is possible that AGROS will hold this Warung Kerabat program again in the future.

Harmawan Sulistyo, CFO of AGROS on the same occasion also invited more stall owners to turn their stalls into Warung Relatives.

"In the future, AGROS wants more Warung Kerabat checkpoint locations so that more and more relatives can benefit from it," said Harmawan.

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