JAKARTA - The narrative against climate change almost every day. World leaders understand climate change is a real threat to human survival. So what are the real steps of the leaders to protect the Earth from damage?

The narrative of saving the environment is not just an empty message. This is because the agenda for saving the environment towards cleaner and greener earth was echoed at the Virtual Partnering for Green Growth and Global Goals 2030 (P4G) Summit which was held in South Korea last Sunday, May 30.

Cited from CNA, Tuesday, June 1, the summit was opened with the commitment of South Korea as the host, which plans to cut financing related to coal projects. The country of Ginseng will divert the existing funds, as much as possible for the agenda of saving the environment. Moreover, South Korea is willing to be a liaison between developing and developed countries.

"South Korea will play a responsible role as a liaison between developing and developed countries", President Moon Jae-in said at the opening of the summit.

It was noted that the two-day summit was the first meeting on climate change, following the previous major meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2018. At the summit, world leaders focused on partnership efforts to synergize public and private roles in developing countries. The goal is to become part of a larger environmental saving agenda.

The plan is in line with the ambitions of developed countries which have set ambitious emission reduction goals in recent months. Which, they – the developed countries – are targeting 0 percent carbon emissions by 2050.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed to this commitment. He even asked developed countries to immediately remove and abandon their dependence on fossil fuels. In that context, Merkel appealed that climate change is a real threat, especially now that climate change is being exacerbated by the decline in economic activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In line with Merkel, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said countries in the world must now fulfill their "green" promises. For Boris Johnson, climate change is not a problem to be taken lightly.

"It's a great start, but don't pat us on the back just yet because our planet and our people need more. We need a government that not only makes promises about climate and nature but also matches those words with deeds", said Boris Johnson.

The importance of synergy

The emission reduction plans of world leaders deserve criticism. Because under the 2015 Paris Agreement, world leaders have committed to reducing emissions gradually until 2050. However, many countries have so far failed to meet their commitments.

In fact, the United Nations (UN) has revealed that carbon emissions must decrease by 8 percent every year. The move is allegedly able to maintain the earth's temperature, equivalent to the emissions saved during the recent pandemic. The target must be carried out every year until 2030.

At the same time, world leaders are asked not to shun poor countries on the agenda of saving the environment. Developed countries are required to help poor countries to work hand in hand to achieve emission reductions.

"This is not a global partnership if some (poor countries) are left struggling to survive", said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. "Tackling climate change head-on will help protect the most vulnerable people from the next crisis while sustaining a job-rich recovery from the pandemic", he said.

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