JAKARTA - Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board KH Yahya Cholil Staquf apologized for meeting five NU cadres with Israeli President Isaac Herzog who became polemic. The meeting is considered to hurt not only the Palestinian people, but also Indonesia. Why is that?

"NU is institutional and we also call on all cadres and also NU residents that we will not carry out any engagement (or) relations with any parties related to Israel and Palestine, except for the purposes of helping the Palestinian people," Yahya said at a press conference held in Jakarta, Tuesday (16/7/2024).

PBNU harus menggelar pertemuan dengan wartawan menyusul pertemuan lima Nahdliyin dengan Presiden Herzog yang menjadi polemik. Berita ini pertama kali muncul setelah beredar foto yang dilaporkan adalah foto sejumlah orang Indonesia yang melati ke Jerusalem dan beraskan dengan Herzog. Pertemuan ini langsung membau kecaman dari masyarakat, termasuk NU sendiri.

Nahdliyin's fifth meeting was very sensitive, given the situation in Palestine as a result of the Israeli army's attack aggression.

Gus Yahya said this meeting was inappropriate, while PBNU Secretary General Gus Saifullah Yusuf said his fifth departure was not mandated by PBNU and an unwise act.

The daughter of Indonesian Fourth President KH Abdurrahman Wahid, Yenny Wahid, even said that Nahdliyin's fifth meeting with the President of Israel was a stupidity.

The identities of the five Nahdliyins are spread on social media along with heavy criticism from the public. They are Zainul Maarif, a lecturer at the University of Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia (Unusia). He also served as Deputy Chair of the Bahtsul Masail Institute for the Regional Management of Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) Jakarta. Then Munawir Aziz as General Secretary of the Pencak Silat Association who is also the Secretary of Pagar Nusa.

In addition, there are Nurul Bahrul Ulum and Izza Anafisa Dania as members of the NU Fatayat Center Leadership, and finally Syukron Makmun as Chairman of the Banten NU Regional Management.

Quoted from the online PBNU website, Chairman of PBNU Savic Ali emphasized that Nahdliyin's fifth visit was not on behalf of the organization. He also admitted that he did not know what support they visited Israel for.

But in the viral video, Zainul Maarif took NU's name in his alleged introduction at the meeting. Speaking in English, Zainul also clearly referred to himself as one of NU's university lecturers.

He described NU as the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia, even the world. Not only that, NU is also described as a moderate Islamic group.

One of our great leaders is Kyai Haji Abdurrahman Wahid or known as Gus Dur. He is Indonesia's fourth president and has a close relationship with (ex-Israeli Prime Minister) Simon Perez, with Jews," said Zainul.

"We are the third generation of Nahdlatul Ulama. We will continue Gus Dur's legacy to strengthen inter-im dialogue and our inter-im relationship between Jews, Christians, Muslims and religions in this world," he said.

Then on his Instagram account, which is now locked, Zainul Maarif explained that his meeting with the President of Israel was an effort to reconcile the conflict with Palestine.

"I am not a demonstrator, but a philosopher-religious. Instead of demonstrations on the streets and boycotting, I prefer to discuss and express ideas," Zainul wrote in his photo upload.

Regarding the conflict between Hamas-Israel, and the Indonesia-Israeli relationship, I and the group had direct dialogue with the President of Israel, Isaac Herzog (who sat with a blue tie) at the President's palace. May the best results be awarded to all of us," he continued.

Since the attack on Palestine broke out on October 7, 2023, criticism of Israel has been called for by the public around the world. Indonesia itself has a firm stance, voicing Palestinian independence, even after a meeting of five NU members with the President of Israel.

"Indonesia will always participate in implementing world order based on independence, eternal peace, and social justice. That is what we continue to hold," said President Jokowi.

The President said Indonesia continues to support the Palestinian independence struggle. Moreover, they have been fighting against Israeli population in Palestine for decades illegally.

Gus Yahya said there are a number of non-profit organizations that act as Israeli advocates, such as in helping lobbying and negotiating Israel's interests. According to him, similar things often happen not only in Indonesia, but also in other countries, with various efforts to convey separate messages from Israel.

The same thing was also expressed by Yenny Wahid. He said that not only Indonesians and Islamic figures were invited. However, Islamic figures are indeed Israel's main target because they are expected to provide legitimacy that they are friendly to the Islamic people.

"This meeting is a big stupidity, does not understand the geopolitical situation, the timing is not right, and gives a very negative impression. Under these conditions, this is a legitimacy for Israel. Israel will definitely continue to carry out engagement or contact with Indonesia," Yenny Wahid said in an interview with Metro TV.

However, he did not agree with Gus Yahya's statement that these five members were still innocent and underage so they did not know the big impacts caused by the meeting.

News of Israel's aggression against Palestine is widespread so it is impossible for the five Nahdliyin to know about it.

Many people in the world have expressed criticism of what Israel is doing. If you say they are innocent, too lightly. This is a big stupidity, thinking that their relationship can be a solution (Israel-Palestinian war), you can't," said the woman who was born on October 29, 1974.

Meanwhile, the former Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla (JK) also gave his views on the meeting between the five NU cadres and President Herzog.

Quoted from Tempo, JK believes that the key to realizing peace is to get to know the two warring parties. So that the negotiator can communicate with the two parties to realize peace.

"If you want to uphold peace, you must know both parties, if you do not know Israel, only Palestine, it cannot support peace," he said.

In the context of efforts to make peace, JK admitted that he often discussed with a number of high-ranking Israeli officials. "I often discuss with Israel so that how peace is realized," he said.

The senior Golkar Party politician also mentioned the fatigue of the five NU cadres who met President Isaac Herzog. He said his fifth mistake was because he smiled while taking pictures with the Israeli president.

"Actually, the mistake was because the photo was smiling," said JK.

JK himself met Hamas political leader, Ismael Haniyeh in Doha, Qatar on Friday 12 July.

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