A Century Of Nahdlatul Ulama And Its Role As Pillars Of The Republic Of Indonesia
The peak of the one-century commemoration of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) at Gelora Delta Sidoarjo, East Java on February 7 2023. (Twitter of Nadhlatul Ulama)

JAKARTA – As an Islamic-based social organization, the track record of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has proven to be able to uphold a strong national vision. Faithful in diversity and upholding religious tolerance.

So, it is no exaggeration to think that NU is a nation's invaluable wealth. NU, according to Father Benny Susetyo, also deserves to be called a pillar of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

"NU's aspiration is to make Indonesia a common home to make minorities feel comfortable in the life of the nation and state while at the same time working together," said Father Benny in the book 'NU Penjaga NKRI'.

But now, the challenge is getting bigger. Various problems continue to hang over the nation, ranging from poverty, unemployment, to rampant corruption. Not to mention issues such as religious radicalism, terrorism, and the spread of intolerance.

Of course, this is a serious threat to the existence of the Republic of Indonesia. Moreover, if you look at the condition of the Indonesian people who are weak in literacy, weak in the economy, politics, and socio-culture. They are easy targets for anti-democratic and anti-diversity propaganda.

President Joko Widodo attended the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) one-century commemoration at Gelora Delta Sidoarjo, East Java on February 7, 2023. (BPMI Setpres/Muchlis Jr)

The threat will be even more dangerous if this anti-Pancasila ideological network has ideological links with radical groups which seem to have started to thrive after the era of social media openness.

“This is where the role of NU as a component of moderate Islam is needed at the forefront. NU has the ability to deploy soft power in order to build a counter-discourse and in carrying out deradicalization initiatives," said Father Benny.

NU's work has provided many forms of disseminating moderate ideas and thoughts in the form of explanations and training on understanding Islam which emphasizes the principles of tolerance, justice, and increasing national awareness. Also, providing real advocacy actions in the community, especially for minority groups.

Likewise in eradicating corruption, eradicating poverty, developing the people's economy, improving the quality of human resources, and so on which in essence can realize the idea of ​​Islam as a mercy to the universe.

"We hope NU is able to play its role as a balancing force between the axis of religion and the market. This balancing role is significant to prevent the poles of religious fundamentalism and market fundamentalism from sharpening, both of which are a serious threat to the continuity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," he added.

President Jokowi's Message

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) believes that entering the second century, NU will grow stronger and be able to provide examples of life that are in accordance with Islamic civilization in society.

"Upholding akhlakul karimah and eastern customs, manners, politeness, ethics, adab, and maintaining tolerance, maintaining unity, and maintaining gotong royong, and keep up to date with times," said the President in his remarks at the peak reception of one century Nahdlatul Ulama at Gelora Delta Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java on 7 February 2023.

Nahdlatul Ulama symbol. (Wikimedia Commons)

As the largest Islamic organization in the world, Jokowi is also optimistic that NU is worthy of contributing to the international community by actively participating in building a better and nobler world civilization.

"I also hope that NU will embrace and pay serious attention to the younger generation so that they remain firmly rooted in tradition and adab ahlussunnah wal jamaah and continue to master science and technology," said President Jokowi.

The Beginning of NU

NU was founded on 16 Rajab 1344 H which coincided with 31 January 1926 in the city of Surabaya. Launching NU Online, the embryo of the birth of NU departs from the history of the formation of the Hijaz Committee, a committee that will be sent to the Islamic World Conference in Mecca, Saudi Arabia to discuss issues of the Saud dynasty.

At that time, King Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud wanted to implement a policy of only implementing Wahhabism as the official sect of the kingdom. The king also had time to express his desire to move the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

For Islamic boarding school scholars in a number of countries, anti-school sentiments that tend to be puritanical by trying to suppress traditions and culture that have developed in the Islamic world have become a threat to the advancement of Islamic civilization itself.

Nahdlatul Ulama founder, Kyai Hasyim Asya'ari (seated right) with Bung Karno ahead of the 1945 Proclamation of Indonesian Independence. (Facebook IPPNU Balikpapan)

The Hijaz Committee invited leading scholars to hold talks regarding the delegation to be sent to the Muktamar in Mecca. The clerics led by KH Hasyim Asy'ari came to Kertopaten, Surabaya, and agreed to appoint KH Raden Asnawi Kudus as a delegate to the Hijaz Committee.

However, after KH Raden Asnawi was elected, the question arose who or what institution had the right to send Kiai Asnawi? Thus the Jam'iyah Nahdlatul Ulama was born.

This history also proves that NU was born not only to respond to the condition of the people who were being colonized, religious problems, and social problems in the country, but also to contribute to the advancement of Islamic civilization globally.

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