Wow, Russia's Latest Generation Of Combat Vehicles Can Be Controlled Via Smartphones

JAKARTA - The armored vehicle with VPK-7829 Boomerang tires is claimed to be able to be operated remotely using a cellular phone, and capable of being fitted with foreign-made combat modules.

The CEO of VPK as the producer of the Boomerang, Aleksandr Krasovitsky, in his statement on June 7, said that not only motion control, turret control, and fuel tracking can also be done via mobile phones.

"Today we can control the Boomerang even from a cellphone. It can move backward, forwards, rotate the turret and barrel. We can see the fuel capacity and oil temperature", he said, as reported by TASS.

"The boomerang is the most powerful armored personnel carrier in Russia today. The potential that our engineers have allows the manufacture of civilian vehicles, including those with automatic control systems", he continued.

Boomerang convoy on the highway. (Wikimedia Commons/Dmitriy Fomin)

Previously, Krasovitsky also said the Boomerang could be equipped with foreign-made combat modules. One thing that can attract other countries who want to buy this combat vehicle.

"We see the possibility of equipping the Boomerang chassis with foreign-made combat modules, we don't see a problem with this. Of course, foreign modules must be adjusted with the participation of our specialists", he explained some time ago, citing the interest of a number of potential foreign buyers.

The Boomerang is the latest standard 8-wheeled armored platform for transporting the Red Bear Country's military forces. First unveiled at the 2015 'Victory Day' parade, the base version is the K-17 infantry fighting vehicle, with the K-16 amphibious armored personnel carrier variant.

The K-17 version is equipped with the Epokha combat module with a 30mm automatic cannon and 7.62mm coaxial machine gun as well as the Kornet anti-tank missile system. Meanwhile, the K-16 is armed with a combat module with a 12.7 mm machine gun.

Boomerang is shooting. (Wikimedia Commons/Vitaly V. Kuzmin)

Cited from Defense World, the Boomerang was presented to replace the era of the BTR80 armored fighting vehicle. The Boomerang represents a new approach in all aspects, a new chassis, more ground clearance, and a much taller vehicle, with new armor and weaponry.

750 HP diesel engine with digitally controlled automatic transmission. Its operational range reaches 800 kilometers, with speeds on the road reaching 100 km/hour, off-road 50 km/hour, and for amphibians 10 km/hour.

Manned by three men, driver, gunner, and commander, the Boomerang is capable of transporting up to 8 soldiers at full combat load. Access in and out through the door at the back.