Working Together With The Criminal Investigation Unit, The Corruption Eradication Commission Will Eradicate The Land Mafia

JAKARTA - In coordination with Criminal Investigation Unit (Bareskrim), Police Headquarters, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confirmed that it would take action against the land mafia who are often assisted by regional officials. Deputy for Enforcement and Execution of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Karyoto, said that this is very possible.

This is because finding officials who play with the land mafia is not difficult because the KPK only needs to monitor their wealth.

"For example, state administration or state civil servants with such a salary, they have fantastic amounts of accounts (bank accounts, ed) that will be detected by banking instruments", said Karyoto in a press conference broadcast on YouTube by KPK RI, Wednesday, March 24.

He said, cases of the land mafia who like to invade other people's rights usually often occur in big cities.

"Our picture is that the land mafia is in a big city area, the land is small, the value is large", he said.

Because of this, the Corruption Eradication Commission cooperates with the Criminal Investigation Unit. This is because cases like this usually involve general crimes in them.

"Already coordinating with the Criminal Investigation Unit. If possible, there are points of contact with the land mafia in a manner such as the granting of privileges permits, even though there are other parties who are more important and entitled. We will also coordinate regarding that matter", explained Karyoto.

With this cooperation, the KPK hopes that in the future the land mafia can be eradicated. Because they often harm landowners.

"Hopefully in the future, we can uncover what the land mafia said because this land mafia is frankly detrimental to the real landowners", he concluded.