Natural Space Mountain 20 Times Earthquake, Geological Agency: Potential Hazards In Materials

JAKARTA - The Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) noted that Mount Ruang experienced 20 gusts.

Head of the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, P Hadi Wijaya said, the incident on the mountain was located in Sitaro Islands Regency, North Sulawesi (Sulut), which occurred for the period 16-31 July 2024. "It was also recorded as many as six shallow volcanic earthquakes, 11 times the deep volcanic earthquake, three times the local tectonic earthquake, one time the earthquake was felt on a scale II MMI with an amplitude of 55 millimeters and 54 times the distant tectonic earthquake," he said in a statement, Tuesday, August 6, confiscated by Antara. From the evaluation results, in general, the volcanic earthquake of Mount Ruang tended to be low, more dominated by tectonic earthquakes which were estimated to be affected by North Sulawesi subduction and double subduction in the Maluku Sea. After the eruption on April 30, 2024, the activity of Mount Ruang experienced a decline.

The crater smoke was observed to be white with moderate intensity, weak pressure and a tendency for altitude in the range of 100-400 meters above the crater peak.

Tingkat aktivitas Gunung Ruang diturunkan dari level III (siaga) menjadi level II (waspada) terhitung mulai tanggal 18 Mei 2024 pukul 09.00 WITA.Aktivitas Gunung Ruang masih belum kembali ke normal, meski jumlah kegempaan sudah sangat menurun dibandingkan dengan bulan April-Mei 2024 dengan jumlah gempa vulkanik pada kisaran satu sampai dua kali per hari.Namun, secara visual masih teramati asap kawah utama berwarna putih dengan intensitas tipis-tebal dan tinggi sekitar 50-100 meter dari puncak.Tinggi asap tercatat menurun dan jumlah gempa hembusan lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan bulan Juni 2024."Potensi bahaya saat ini berupa erupsi yang menghasilkan lontaran material pijar dan paparan abu vulkanik yang bergantung pada arah dan kecepatan angin serta lahar bila hujan deras turun di sekitar Gunung Ruang," ujarnya.