Post-debate Crisis, Biden Is Now Threatened With Efforts To Be Re-elected

JAKARTA - US President Joe Biden needs to do more to reduce the Democratic Party's panic over its poor performance in the debate with former President Donald Trump.

After Texas Representative Lloyd Doggett became a Democratic lawmaker demanding Biden step down, important party figures are now asking for more openness and details about the president's health and mental condition as anxiety about his re-elected campaign develops into concern.

The increasingly real threat to his grip on the nominations of the Democratic Party.

CNN reviewed that all the efforts made by the president and the White House and their campaign team to fix this problem actually made it worse.

Biden, for example, on Tuesday, July 2 night, joked to donors saying he was "almost asleep on stage" with Trump after two tiring trips to Europe last month.

It was a strange way to fend off Biden's claim he was no longer worthy of carrying out a tough task in his office when he requested a second term at the age of 81.

The impact of the debate has created another remarkable change in an amazing campaign featuring two presidents, one being a convict, and the other being the oldest president to hold the post in history.

The debate crystallizes the Democratic Party's fear of Biden's prospects and plays a role in Trump's 78-year-old claim, which for months has suggested that his rival is weak and has suffered a mental decline.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is in the same condition as the debate itself. He said that although Biden had the flu in the debate, he didn't take medication but now he feels better.

But he declined to go beyond Biden's release of Biden's annual physical results which declared Biden worthy of duty in February.

The explanation did not explain why Biden did not provide an answer, sometimes it appeared incoherent and echoed when Trump spoke at CNN's debate.

Tim Biden juga terus menjawab pertanyaan yang salah.

The best director of future behavior is past performance, Jean-Pierre said, stressing that the real test of Biden's ability is his record of serving for the last 31 years.

But the real issue of the debate is whether voters can imagine Trump in his weakening condition at this time being fully able to undergo his next term of office.

Jean-Pierre insists 'we understand how the condition of the American people is. feel. We understand, we understand.'

But his briefing only creates more intrigue about what actually happened in the president's inner circle.

People calling for Biden to step down so that the party can select other candidates, have not yet reached a critical point.

However, calls by high-ranking Democratic Party officials to request further explanation from the president and energy in his campaign are now unlikely to be ignored by Biden and his team.

And the final result of panic over Biden's current performance is unpredictable a very vulnerable position for a president who wants a second term.