Endus Leaks Of Taxes In Sorong, KPK Surprised That Troubled Parties Are Not Sanctioned Or Moved

WEST PAPUA DAYA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has detected a tax leak in the Sorong City Government (Pemkot), Southwest Papua Province. The findings were based on local tax acquisition which only reached 5.13 percent. Head of the Regional Coordination and Supervision Task Force V KPK, Dian Patria explained, too many tax leaks saw the number of acquisitions sourced from taxes in Sorong City.

"Too much seems like a tax leak in Sorong City," he said after a coordination meeting with the Southwest Papua Provincial Government in Sorong., maybe there is a problem with this, because there are reports, there are problems with the tax collectors as well, there are conspiracies that seem to be yes," he said. According to him, the nominal tax achievement of Sorong City is very unreasonable, even strange, because Sorong City is experiencing growth.

"I'm sure this must be too much tax leak in Sorong City," said Dian.

Dia menyebutkan adanya laporan kepada KPK terhadap oknum pemungut pajak yang diduga bermasalah masih ditempatkan pada posisi yang sama seperti semula."Seharusnya kalau bermasalah seperti itu diberikan sanksi berat atau dipindahkan ke tempat lain, malah tetap di tempat yang sama," ucap dia.Dia mengusulkan supaya bagian penagihan pajak itu dipegang oleh orang yang berintegritas supaya memiliki tanggung jawab untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dari pajak.

"I propose that the Sorong Regency Government improve governance by getting people with integrity," he hoped. He is committed to continuing to deepen the issue of tax revenue. If later it is clear that there is a criminal element, it will be followed by a report to law enforcement officials (APH). "Why should it be maintained, there should not be a conflict of interest here. Especially in the political year, don't play games," he said.