Head Of Kohod Panic Village, Residents Forced To Withdraw Information About 5 Percent Of Land Acquisition Fees To Police

TANGERANG - Cases of illegal levies (extortion) 5 percent of the cost of releasing residents' houses allegedly carried out by the Kohod Village Head, Pakuhaji, Tangerang Regency are still rolling. Even the latest news, residents received intervention by the village head to withdraw the statement that there was a 5 percent levy.

Japra, one of the residents questioned by the police, said that the summons from the Kohod Village Secretary took place on Saturday night, June 22, after he was summoned by the police for clarification.

"Monday night, after I got a call from the police. I was asked to come to the Village Secretary (Kohod). I was given directions not to admit that there was 5 percent extortion," said Japra when met at the location, Tuesday, June 25.

When called by the Village Secretary, continued Japra, there was Jaro or the head of the hamlet who was also present that night.

"(The language) has just disappeared, as if it has been deleted. He said it has been signed, so that everything will run smoothly. At that time there were RT officers, coolies, Jaro, Village Secretary (named Ujang Karta)," he said.

However, when questioned by the police today, Tuesday, June 25, at noon, he told the incident of coercion by the village officials to ask for a 5 percent share of land acquisition costs.

"I'm still the story I'm experiencing. The problem is that there is no deliberation. I even had time to say 'What is this? Why don't there be deliberations to the public first. But if it's already on signature, I have to sign. While I took a photo of the letter. I said it like that, "the lid.

As previously reported, the Head of Kohod Village with the initials A allegedly asked for a 5 percent share of the cost of land replacement or the relocation of companies received by residents. The request was through a circular that must be signed by the citizens by forcing them.