Winning Cassation In The Supreme Court, Anies Asked The DPRD To Step On The Gas To Realize The Paid Road System

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan won an appeal with a private party, PT Bali Towerindo Sentra, over an electronic road pricing (ERP) auction at the Supreme Court (MA) level.

That way, Anies has the right to re-auction and open opportunities for other private parties in the ERP program.

Responding to this, a member of Commission C for Finance at the DPRD DKI, Khoirudin, asked Anies to immediately open the auction process. According to him, Anies is able to prepare a set of regulations for its implementation.

"This ERP has become the mandate for transportation-related regulations because it has been stated in Perda No. 5/2014 on Transportation in Article 78 which regulates Traffic Control Management," said Khoirudin in his statement, Monday, March 15.

Actually, the plan to build an ERP system had long been wanted by the previous governor of DKI, but it has not been realized. In fact, said Koirudin, ERP is an alternative solution to dealing with congestion on Jakarta's main roads.

In addition, the odd-even system can also be deleted if ERP is realized. This is because the fact is that the odd-even implementation is not effective in reducing congestion. Many people are motivated to give vehicles with different plates, to counterfeiting number plates in order to avoid a ticket.

"With ERP, in addition to reducing road loads on the main roads, the DKI Provincial Government can also get income from the rates charged for passing vehicles. According to him, the revenue from this ERP will be used to improve and improve the quality of public transportation services in Jakarta so that people are more willing to do it. using public transportation in carrying out mobility, "he explained.

At first the ERP plan problems faltered

The plan to develop a paid road system has actually been echoed since 2006 when the Governor of DKI Jakarta was held by Sutiyoso.

Then, the ERP plan was finalized during Joko Widodo's leadership and was continued by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in 2014. At that time, the preparation of regulations for the tender process.

Under Anies' leadership, the ERP implementation plan stalled again because two auction participants, namely Q Free ASA and Kapsch TrafficCom AB resigned leaving one vendor, namely PT Bali Towerindo Sentra.

Anies then asked for a recommendation from the Attorney General's Office regarding the continuation of the ERP implementation process. As a result, the Attorney General's Office recommended Anies to repeat the auction process. However, this recommendation is not mandatory.

In August 2019, Anies stated that the ERP discussion would be re-discussed or repeat the process from the beginning. In addition, Anies explained that there are system differences between Congestion Pricing and the current ERP.

PT. Bali Towerindo Sentra did not accept it. They sued Anies to the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN). As a result, the Jakarta PTUN ordered Anies to continue the ongoing auction process.

"Granted the plaintiff's request in full and granted the lawsuit to revoke the announcement of auction cancellation and declare the object of the dispute canceled in the form of an announcement letter for the cancellation of the auction of the electronic paid road system," said Chairman of the PTUN Panel of Judges M. Arif Pratomo as quoted from the official website of PTUN Jakarta, Tuesday, 3 March 2020.

Anies hasn't given up. The provincial government then submitted an appeal to the Jakarta High State Administrative Court (PTTUN). Unfortunately, the PTTUN decision strengthens the Jakarta PTUN decision.

The DKI Provincial Government is trying again by filing an appeal to the Supreme Court. MA finally won the appeal of Anies. Anies may repeat the ERP auction process.