Swear To Allah Of Governor Nurdin Abdullah After Being Caught In The Infrastructure Bribery Case

JAKARTA - South Sulawesi Governor Nurdin Abdullah swore and admitted that he was not involved in corruption related to the procurement of goods and services within his government. He said his men had taken his name off in this case.

This was conveyed by Nurdin after being caught in the arrest operation (OTT) on Saturday morning, February 27 by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Task Force Team. He was named a suspect in receiving bribes and gratuities on Sunday, February 28.

"Edy made transactions without my knowledge. Absolutely (I) do not know. By Allah, by Allah," said Nurdin, who was wearing an orange vest complete with handcuffs in his hands before getting into the detention car that took him to the KPK detention center.

Although he admits that he does not know that his subordinates are corrupt and dragged him down, the former Bantaeng Regent admits that he will sincerely carry out this legal process. Nurdin also apologized to the people of South Sulawesi for this case.

"I sincerely go through the legal process because yesterday we did not know anything. I apologize," he said.

In this bribery and gratuity case, Nurdin was named as a bribery and gratuity suspect with the Secretary of the Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Office of South Sulawesi Province, Edy Rahmat. Meanwhile, the donor was a contractor named Agung Sucipto.

KPK chairman Firli Bahuri said Nurdin did not directly accept bribes but through his men as intermediaries.

"There is a suspicion of receiving a certain amount of money by the state administrators given by AS (Agung Sucipto) to NA (Nurdin Abdullah) through ER (Edy Rahmat) as a representative and at the same time NA as a confidant," said Firli Bahuri in a press conference for determining the suspect, Sunday, February 28 morning.

He explained that the series of bribes took place at 20:24 Western Indonesia Time, Friday, February 26. At that time, Agung Sucipto as the bribe giver with IF headed to a restaurant in Makassar.

When he arrived at the restaurant, Edy was already waiting. Next, IF drove Edy's car while Agung and Edy drove in the same car heading to Jalan Hasanuddin, Makassar.

During the trip, Agung submitted proposals related to several infrastructure work projects in Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi for the 2021 Fiscal Year.

Then at around 21.00 Western Indonesia Time, IF moved the suitcase containing money from Agung's car to the trunk of Edy's car on Jalan Hasanuddin.

After receiving the money, at around 23.00 Central Indonesia Time, Agung was secured on his way to Bulukumba. Meanwhile, at around 00.00 Central Indonesia Time, Edy and the money in the suitcase totaling around IDR 2 billion were also secured at his official residence.

"Then at around 02.00 Central Indonesia Time, NA was also secured at the official residence of the Governor of South Sulawesi," said Firli.

The beginning of the case that ensnared Nurdin Abdullah

Firli explained, the beginning of bribery and gratification occurred. At that time, Agung, who was the Director of PT. Agung Perdana Bulukumba, received several infrastructure work projects in South Sulawesi for the 2021 Fiscal Year. As an entrepreneur, Agung has also known Nurdin for a long time.

Furthermore, since February, active communication between Agung and Edy as Nurdin's representatives and confidants has been re-established. In the communication, it was suspected that there was a fee bargaining to determine the value of each project that the contractor would later work on.

Still, in the same month, Nurdin and Edy met with Agung, who had received a Bira travel project, Bulukumba. Through the meeting, Nurdin agreed to do the Bira tourism project by Agung and he conveyed this to Edy.

"NA gave approval and ordered ER to immediately speed up the preparation of the DED (Detail Engineering Design) document which will be auctioned off in the 2022 FY APBD," said Firli.

It's just that, at the end of this February, Edy had a chance to meet Nurdin and conveyed that the project that was to be worked on by Agung had already been done by someone else. Hearing this, Nurdin then said that this work could be arranged, as long as Agung paid for the operational activities.

"AS then on February 26, 2021, is suspected of handing over around IDR 2 billion to NA through ER," explained Firli.

Not only from Agung, but the KPK also suspects that Nurdin will receive a fee from other contractors in 2020 with a nominal value of IDR 200 million. Then there was also the receipt of money amounting to IDR 3.2 billion in early to mid-February.

As a contractor, Agung has worked on several projects in South Sulawesi, such as the improvement of the Palampang-Munte-Bontolempangan road in Sinjai/Bulukumba Regency (DAK Assignment) in 2019 with a value of IDR 28.9 billion.

Then, the construction of the Palampang-Munte-Bontolempangan (DAK) Road for 2020 with a value of IDR 15.7 billion. Then, the construction of the 11 packages Palampang-Munte-Bontolempangan Road (Provincial APBD) with a value of IDR 19 billion.

Furthermore, the construction of roads, pedestrians, and street lighting for the Bira Tourism Area (South Sulawesi Provincial Financial Assistance to Bulukumba Regency in 2020) with a project value of IDR 20.8 billion.

Finally, the rehabilitation of Parkiran 1 Road and Development of Parkiran 2 Road in the Bira Tourism Area (2020 South Sulawesi Provincial Financial Assistance to Bulukumba Regency in 2020 with a project value of IDR 7.1 billion.

As for the consequences of his act of giving bribes to Nurdin, Agung is suspected of violating Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a or Article 5 paragraph (1) letter b or Article 13 of Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication. Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code.

As a bribe recipient, Nurdin and his subordinates, Edy, are suspected of violating Article 12 letter a or Article 12 letter b or Article 11 and Article 12B of Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crime Jo Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code.

Furthermore, they will be detained for the next 20 days for questioning from February 27 to March 18. The three of them were detained in different detention centers.

Nurdin was detained at the KPK Detention Center for the Pomdam Jaya Guntur branch, Edy was detained at the KPK branch detention center Kavling C1, and Agung was detained at the KPK branch detention center, the Merah Putih Building.