Support From Disabilities And Indigenous Peoples, Ganjar Is Increasingly Optimistic In Facing Debates

Presidential Candidate (Capres) number 3, Ganjar Pranowo admitted that he received input from disability groups to indigenous peoples. This support made Ganjar more ready to face Anies Baswedan and Prabowo Subianto in the 'last' debate tonight.

"Yes, God willing, it is ready, many of my friends from many people from disabilities, women's groups, then indigenous peoples," said Ganjar at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Sunday, February 4.

From the input received by Ganjar Pranowo, there are several things that are the main focus, namely education and health.

The input from several groups will later become the material for the presidential candidate number three in the fifth debate.

"Those who ask about access to their education health can be equivalent. Some of their aspirations are of course important for us to convey," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding education, Ganjar said he received a lot of input from Mahfud MD. His deputy is a teaching figure who has high credibility.

"When it comes to the world of education, this is my teacher, Mr. Mahfud. He is a teacher, he really knows exactly. So there are quite a lot of input from him, quite a lot from the team," said Ganjar.

In the debate, all presidential candidates will discuss seven themes, including education, health, employment, culture, information technology, as well as social welfare and inclusion.