Vihara Kwan In Thang Pamulang Doesn't Hold Chinese New Year Celebrations In The Calm Period Of The 2024 Election

TANGERANG Respects the calm period of the 2024 General Election, Vihara Kwan In Thang, Pondok Cabe Udik, Pamulang South Tangerang City (Tangsel) does not carry out Chinese New Year celebration activities which falls on February 10, 2024, next

Rudi Oskar as the manager of Vihara Kwan In Thang, the decision to eliminate activities that invite crowds is based on a mutual agreement in his place.

"It is certain that there will be no celebrations and activities here," said Vihara Kwan In Thang management Rudi Oskar to reporters, Friday, February 2.

Rudi revealed, during the Chinese New Year celebration, Vihara Kwan In Thang held a lion dance attraction, a small gathering, a choir from a disability foundation. However, for the year it was not held because it entered the quiet period of the 2024 General Election.

Later, Rudi said, his party will only hold a prayer ritual for the congregation.

"Just holding a prayer ritual," he said.

In addition to eliminating Chinese New Year celebration activities, continued Rudi, the implementation of Cap Go Meh was also abolished.

"We have announced to all congregation Kwan In Thang, all series of Chinese New Year and Cap Go Meh activities have been temporarily suspended," he concluded

For information, Cap Go Meh is part of a series of Chinese New Year celebrations.

Cap Go Meh will be held on the first 15 months of the Chinese calendar or two weeks after the Chinese New Year.

So that the 2024 Chinese New Year falls on February 10, 2024, marking the beginning of China's new year.

Thus, Cap Go Meh 2024 will be held on Saturday, February 24, 2024.