Elderly In Tangerang Invites 6-Year-Old Boy To Take A Bath In Rented, Parents Goes Raging Report To Police

TANGERANG - Police arrested an elderly man with the initials H (60) who was suspected of molesting three underage women in the Cipadu area, Larangan, Tangerang City.

Tangerang Metro Police Chief Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho said the perpetrator was arrested on Tuesday, January 30, at 22.00 WIB.

"The perpetrator was arrested after receiving a report from the victim's parents," said Zain in his statement, Wednesday, January 31.

Zain said that the disclosure of the case began when the victim with the initials B was invited to the perpetrator's house. The victim accepted the invitation because he often got pocket money from the perpetrator.

After being inside the house, the perpetrator launched his action. Info said the victim was invited to take a bath with the perpetrator.

"After carrying out the obscene act, the perpetrator left the victim alone and was locked in the rented house," he said.

Luckily the victim was able to escape and return to his house. Immediately he reported the incident to his parents.

Zain still explained that the victim's mother was angry and went to the perpetrator's house to confirm what his son had said.

"It's true, the perpetrator admitted the act. After being pressed, it was discovered that the perpetrator had committed the obscene act repeatedly to victims B, N and V," said Zain.

Reports of the victim's parents were immediately responded to, and the perpetrator was secured by the local police.

Now H is a suspect and charged with Article 76 D of Law no. 35/2014 concerning Child Protection or Article 6 letter c in conjunction with Article 15 letters e and g of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence.

"The maximum penalty is 15 years in prison," he concluded.