Police Thwart Delivery Of Thousands Of Liter Arak Using Trucks In Pati, Central Java

Thousands of bottles of wine (alcohol) type were successfully secured from a truck on the side of Jalan Pati Juwana, Dukuh Gempol Margomulyo Village, Juwana District, Pati Regency, Sunday, January 28.

Kapolresta Pati Kombes Andhika Bayu Adhittama through the Juwana Police Chief AKP Ali Mahmudi said, Sunday, January 28 at around 15.00 WIB, the Juwana Police Criminal Investigation Unit received information that there was a Mitsubishi Total Diesel truck No. K 8549 S carrying large amounts of wine.

"After receiving the information, check the vehicle and it was found that there was wine in it. Then we secured it and the truck owner," said Juwana Police Chief AKP Ali Mahmudi, Monday, January 29.

The evidence that was secured was 1,281 liters of wine in bottled mineral water bottles measuring 600ml, and 2 jerry cans measuring 60 liters of wine. It is known that thousands of liters of wine belonged to someone with the initials G alias Sarimek (60), a resident of Glonggong Village, Jakenan, Pati, who has so far been secured by officers.

"For his actions, G was charged with criminal acts of violations regarding storing, possessing, trading or circulating alcohol without permission in accordance with Regional Regulation (Perda) Pati Regency No. 1 of 2023 concerning Control and Supervision of Alcoholic Drinks", he concluded.