Confiscated For Motorcycle Parking: Ruko Execution In Lebak Bulus Runs Ricuh, Alvin Almost Burned Thugs

JAKARTA The emptying of the shophouse in Lebak Bulus, Jalan Pasar Friday, South Jakarta was marked by a dispute between the owner and the thugs who tried to seize the shophouse. Even the incident that occurred on Sunday, January 28, was accompanied by an attempt to burn the shophouse by thugs. Luckily, there was no great fire, but the shop owner's attorney was hit by gasoline.

LQ Indonesia Lawfirm, who received legal counsel from the shop owner, helped empty and assist him to occupy the shophouses seized by thugs to be used as illegal motorbike parking lots.

LQ Indonesia wrote to the South Jakarta Police and asked for assistance in escorting and issuing a warrant for No Sprin/278/I/PAM3.3/2024 and ordered 48 police officers to the location to be escorted and led directly by the South Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Ade Rahmat Idnal. Implementation of execution at the location and attending at 13 (one day) where the shophouse location looks deserted, not seen a single police guard at the location. Phioruci as the owner's attorney then ordered people in the shophouse to open the shophouse. However, because no one was open, then as the legal owner, Phioruci ordered it to be forced to open. When he was forced from inside the gasoline so that he soaked the clothes of people outside the shophouse. said Alvin Lim, in a written statement, Monday, January 29.

With this incident, Alvin Lim admitted that he was disappointed because the police, the South Jakarta Metro Police, did not provide security for thugs who tried to burn the shophouse.

"After the door opened, the police in uniform only arrived and when asked to escort them in, the police refused on the grounds that they were waiting for the police chief to come. However, that was just an excuse, so that the criminals inside the shophouses fled. In the police law article 2 states that it is the duty of the police to protect and serve the community. " said Alvin Lim.

Finally at 14:30 WIB, LQ Indonesia assisted by the TNI team and mass organizations managed to get the thugs out of the location without any casualties.

"The door, ceramics and property were damaged, destroyed because the police refused to provide security and services", said Alvin.

Meanwhile, Phioruci as the power owner of the shophouse admitted that he was disappointed with the police officers who at that time carried out security were deemed unable to take action.

"The police on the spot saw how I was splashed with gasoline and the fire started, instead of helping to provide help, they just kept watching. Disappointed with my heart." I'm upset Phioruci.

Phioruci asked the police to immediately follow up and arrest the perpetrators of the crime who were allegedly arrested by police officers who had interfered several times with this problem.

"Where is the National Police Chief? When people were burned, no one processed the crime scene and no one confiscated evidence of crime equipment?" said Phioruci.

South Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Ade Rahmat Idnal when confirmed regarding this incident confirmed the execution of a shophouse in the Lebak Bulus area, South Jakarta.

"Yes, sir." short Kombes Ade Rahmat Idnal, who claimed to be attending a coordination meeting, Monday morning, January 29.