Junior High School And Elderly Students In East Jakarta Cabuli Boy Because They Often Watch Porn Videos
The rise of cases of child molestation in the East Jakarta area is caused by a number of social and economic factors experienced by the community. The perpetrators are of varying age, from among children to the elderly.
East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly confirmed the many reports of cases of violence against children in the jurisdiction of East Jakarta.
"Indeed, in the jurisdiction of the East Jakarta Metro Police, there are many cases of obscenity," he said when asked by VOI, Monday, January 29.
The causes of sexual violence against children were triggered by a number of factors, ranging from poor security systems in residents to technological advances that made it easier for children to use gadgets.
"Our appeal is that parents who have children must give advice and supervise their children from watching films they should not watch," he said.
Parents also have to supervise their children if they have a gadget (gadget) in their daily activities.
"The cellphone must also continue to be monitored, not to be missed. Let's together parents be able to protect and protect children from victims of sexual abuse," he said.
The case of child molestation recently occurred in the jurisdiction of the East Jakarta Metro Police. A junior high school student molested a kindergarten boy on the edge of the Cipinang River, and most recently an elderly person named Aswin (61) alias S alias OM alias Bambang molested 3 children in Matraman.
For the case of molestation against a kindergarten boy, the perpetrator has been named a suspect even though he is a minor. The perpetrator is a child in conflict with the law, so he is detained in a special house. According to the police statement, the perpetrator is motivated by pornographic videos which he often watches through gadgets.
Meanwhile, the elderly regent of 3 children in Matraman has been secured by the Women and Children Service Unit (PPA) of the East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim, Sunday, January 28.
The perpetrator carried out his depraved act in a house located on Pisangan Baru III Street, Pisangan Baru Village, Matraman District, on Saturday night, January 27. The perpetrators are desperate to commit acts of obscenity because they often watch pornographic films.