The Chairman Of The South Jakarta KPU Calls There Are New Criteria Regarding Voice Letters Worth Using

JAKARTA - Less than a month of general election (Pemilu) 2024, a number of ballots were found to be unusable or damaged. However, there is a category of ballots that can be used, although there is little damage.

"In principle, as long as it doesn't interfere with the voting area, it can still be used," said South Jakarta KPU chairman Muhammad Taqiyuddin when confirmed, Friday, January 25.

Taqiyuddin detailed several examples that deserve to be used despite the few obstacles such as ink and excessive ballot prints.

Terkedang ada surat suara itu bahannya berlebihan atau potongannya berlebihan. Yang bentuknya tak kokoh, tapi ada kelebihan bahan lapangan, itu bisa digunakan sebenarnya," ucapnya.

"For example, there is a stain on the cover of the ballot. If it's just a splash of ink, it's okay. It can still be used," he continued.

However, if the damage is too extreme or excessive on the ballot. So it is declared unfit for use.

Regarding the ink ciptran being hit by the name of the ballot, he admitted that he could not conclude. Because, it must be discussed by his team.

"Well, we will coordinate again with the central KPU logistics division, about what the mechanism is, whether this is still a ballot that can still be used. But, so far, the ink splashes we have found so far are on the ballot cover," he said.

Taqiyuddin said, based on the sorting of ballots from the beginning of receipts to date, there were a number of ballots that were damaged. However, the amount cannot be submitted.

"We still can't inform the amount because there are still rules related to ballots that can't really be used," he concluded.