The Number Of Complaints From Bekasi Residents Through SP4N-LAPOR! Increased Compared To Last Year

BEKASI - The Bekasi Regency Government, West Java is committed to following up on all complaints from residents recorded in the National Public Service Complaints System-People's Online Aspirations and Complaints Service (SP4N-LAPOR!) as an effort to optimize public services.

Head of Information and Public Communications at Diskominfosantik Bekasi Regency, Rhamdan Nurul Ikhsan, said the local government

The Bekasi Regency Government (Pemkab) has received 711 complaints from residents through the National Public Service Complaints System-People's Aspirations and Online Complaints Service (SP4N-LAPOR!). This number increased sharply compared to the existing reports in 2022, as many as 517 complaints.

"Furthermore, this year's complaints reached a high level of 97.3 percent," he said in Cikarang, Saturday.

He said based on the complaint follow-up report, out of a total of 711 reports submitted, 505 of them have been resolved, 137 reports are being completed, and 19 reports have not been followed up.

Meanwhile, based on the results of the study, the increase in complaints was caused by two factors. First, there are many complaints from residents regarding the performance of local governments and the second factor is increasing the awareness of residents to report problems.

"So it can be seen from two sides, positive and negative. For example, services in sub-districts are inadequate so they are complained. But this is a common input. Or an increasing level of public awareness," he said.

Rhamdan explained that from all incoming complaint reports, the infrastructure sector was the most reported problem, followed by employment, road transportation, clean water services, and education.

He admitted that the follow-up to complaints from residents through SP4N-LAPOR! This has become a special instruction for regional heads so that this year all complaints that have not been followed up for several years can finally be followed up.

He noted that until June 2023, there were 140 complaints that had not been followed up since 2014 at SP4N-LAPOR!. Through the special instructions of the regional head, all the reports have now been completed, leaving only 19 complaints that incidentally entered this year.