How To Make Windows 11 Look Like Windows 10
Windows 11 Display (Makeuseof)

YOGYAKARTA - Windows 11 was officially released on Tuesday, October 5, 2021 and can already be operated by its users. However, some users are still not familiar with the Windows 11 operating system, making it difficult to use it. Moreover, many users are already familiar with the Windows 10 operating system, so it will be difficult to learn the Windows 11 operating system. affect the speed of your work. This is because Microsoft as the Windows provider company has made several changes to the appearance such as the 'Start Menu' icon. The position of the 'Start Menu' button in Windows 11 is shifted to the middle area, so users who are used to using it in the left area will be confused. In addition, the appearance of the 'Start Menu' icon which originally looks like four boxes with a wavy shape, has been made more firm and symmetrical. It also makes Windows users unable to recognize it. However, you don't need to worry because the Windows 11 operating system can be set in such a way that it is similar to Windows 10. The method is quite easy and you can change it with the steps below.

How to Move Windows 11 Start Menu to the left

Quoted from TheVerge, here is how to change the appearance of Windows 11 to be like the Windows 10 operating system, so that users don't make adjustments anymore.

The first step, right-click on the taskbar and select the "Task Settings" option in the menu window that appears. Then select the "Taskbar Behaviors" menu and look for the "Taskbar Alignment" menu option in the row provided. The "Taskbar Alignment" option will by default provide options in the "Center" menu. Click the option and select "Left" to move the "Start Menu" position to the left side of the taskbar, so that it looks similar to the Windows 10 operating system.

Not only the Start Menu position has changed, the steps above will also make the taskbar position return to its original position like the Windows 10 main screen display.

Thus your Windows 11 display will be similar to the menu in Windows 10. You can also use your computer more freely and can return to work quickly as usual. However, there are several new features in Windows 11 so that Windows 10's appearance is not entirely the same. If you want to learn the original Windows 11 operating system, you can move the main screen display back to the center or "Center" position. middle to left.

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