BANDA ACEH - The Regional Representative Office of Bank Indonesia Aceh Province recorded that the volume of digital transactions using the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) in the area until March 2024 reached 3.17 million transactions, and continued to strive to achieve the QRIS transaction target in Aceh to support the national target.

"We will see that the consumption of Acehnese households is high, this must also be facilitated in how to shop with digital transactions," said Head of Bank Indonesia Aceh Province Rony Widijarto as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, April 26.

He explained that the volume of 3.17 million transactions was recorded during January-March 2024. In that period, 17,726 new users were also recorded, bringing the total QRIS users in Tanah Rencong as of March 2024 to 549,101 users.

The number of QRIS users grew by 76.09 percent year on year (yoy) compared to the same period in the previous year.

According to him, the increase in users and digital transactions in Aceh is the impact of the consistency of activities and programs that continue to be organized by Bank Indonesia and banks.

He said, payment ecosystem groups at ports, students, and mosques through infaq and alms programs are several segments that have become targets for socialization and onboarding in order to increase the number of transactions using QRIS during 2024.

"From the merchant side (trade), until March 2024, there have been 146,931 merchants who have implemented QRIS as an alternative non-cash payment. The largest share merchant QRIS is contributed by micro-enterprises with a total of 106,051 merchants or 72 percent," he said.

On a target basis, said Rony, Aceh is targeting 10 million QRIS transactions during this year, to support the achievement of the target of 55 million QRIS throughout Indonesia by 2024.

Therefore, Bank Indonesia Aceh continues to make various efforts by collaborating with payment service providers (PJP), local governments, and other elements to hold various strategic activities such as cashback, discounts, and other promotions to increase public interest in transacting using QRIS.

One of them, at the end of 2023, Bank Indonesia has also inaugurated the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque Digital Area, and even participated in the success of the Sabang Marine Festival by inaugurating the Sabang Balohan Port as a port that has received non-cash payments.

"Soon there will be PON (National Sports Week), as well as the potential for how to come here, officials, athletes, and supporters can shop a lot with the convenience of digital transactions," he said.

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