JAKARTA - Royal Enfield has added to its lineup of models in Malaysia, by launching the Bullet 350 2024 which is priced starting from 23,500 ringgit or around Rp. 76 million.

Citing the Paultan page, April 26, this motorbike glides in the new Royal Enfield showroom in Petaling Jaya, which is located in Pacific Tower.

There is no design that is different from models launched in various countries, where they are thick with classic nuances.

Many interesting features are embedded in Bullet 350 including two-channel ABS as a standard, which works on a single hydraulic disk in front and rear.

In more detail, this one motorcycle has a 19-inch front wheel size with a finger rim, double piston cap, and an 18-inch rear wheel size. The 350 bullet is also equipped with a telescopic front suspension, and the rear can be adjusted to six levels of adjustment.

In addition, it gives a modern impression that the Bullet 350 is equipped with a digital instrument and analog cluster, which displays all the necessary information, while the USB charging port is below the handlebar.

Regarding the heart of the runway, it carries an air-cooled one-cylinder engine with a capacity of 349 cc, which produces 19.94 hp at 6,100 rpm with a torque of 27 Nm at 4,000 rpm. Based on the catalog, Bullet 350 is capable of reaching a maximum speed of 114 km/hour in the fourth gear, with a rear wheel drive through the gearbox and a five-speed chain.

As additional information, this one motorbike launched in Indonesia at the beginning of last year which only had 100 units, with a choice of color black gold. In Indonesia, this motorbike is priced at IDR 113 million.

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