JAKARTA - MS, an employee of the Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) underwent a psychological health check at the Police Hospital, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta. The results of the examination revealed that MS was still experiencing psychological disorders due to years of bullying.

Together with his two lawyers, MS visited the hospital in Kramat Jati at around 09.00 a.m. local time. MS was immediately examined at the Visum and Medicolegal Center at around 10.30 a.m.

"We received an invitation from the Central Jakarta Police for further examination of the psychological health examination of MS, as our clients, to the Police Hospital today", said MS lawyer Rony E. Hutahaean accompanied by Reinhard Silaban to reporters, Monday, September 6.

Rony said that his party did not yet know whether the examination would be used as evidence or other clues for the purposes of the investigation. He continued to respect every invitation and examination agenda from the police.

"His condition is still disturbed psychologically. Symptoms experienced include indigestion and lack of concentration to do something or work. His wife pays special attention to MS", he said.

According to Rony, his party has received information from investigators that the police will investigate five perpetrators who were reported to be victims of alleged bullying and sexual harassment.

"We are grateful to the investigators who processed the marathon. If later based on the available information and evidence, the reported person will immediately be made a suspect and detained", he hoped.

As is known, the Central Jakarta Metro Police has scheduled the summons of the reported parties on Monday 6 September. MS reported five KPI employees related to the incident on October 22, 2015, namely RM, FP, RT, EO, and CL.

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