Chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri announced that the embedding of 169 candidates for regional heads for the 2024 Pilkada would be carried out in a hybrid manner.

A total of 169 regional head candidates promoted by the PDIP consist of 6 candidates for governor and prospective deputy governor candidates, 151 candidates for regent and prospective deputy regent candidates, as well as 12 candidates for mayor and prospective deputy mayor.

One of them, PDIP gave a recommendation for the investigation to the Chairman of the Bali PDIP Regional Leadership Council (DPD), I Wayan Koster to return to be the head of Bali with I Nyoman Giri Prasta.

In reading the names of the candidates for regional heads who were promoted, Hasto Kristiyanto also touched on the province of Jakarta. However, Hasto did not announce who would be promoted. Hasto said he was still waiting for the final decision from General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"For Jakarta, we are still waiting for an announcement from the General Chairperson," said Hasto at the PDIP DPP Office, Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 22.

The party elites who attended this announcement included PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, General Treasurer Olly Dondokambey, Deputy Secretary General Yoseph Aryo Adhie Darmo and Adian Napitupulu, as well as PDIP DPP Chairmen including Djarot Saiful Hidayat, Deddy Sitorus, Komarudin Watubun, Said Abdullah, Rano Karno, Sri Rahayu, Ribka Tjiptaning, Nusyirwan Soedjono.

Megawati's son, who is also the Chair of the DPIP DPP for Creative Economy, Prananda Prabowo, was also present. Constitutional law expert who is also the former Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) Mahfud MD was also present at the event.

Meanwhile, 6 candidates for governor and prospective deputy governor candidates will be officially promoted by PDIP for simultaneous regional elections in 2024, including:

1. Riau Islands, Muhammar Rudi - H. Aunur Rafiq2. Jambi, Al Haris - Abdullah Sani3. Kep. Bangka Belitung, Hidayat Arsani - Heliana4. Bali, Wayan Koster - I Nyoman Giri Prasta5. Central Papua, Meki Nawipa - Deinas Geley6. South Papua, Apolo Safanto - Paskalis Imagawa

The following is a list of 151 candidates for regent and prospective deputy regent as well as 12 candidates for mayor and prospective deputy mayor candidates who will be promoted by the PDIP DPP for the 2024 Pilkada:

1. Deputy Regent of Southwest Aceh, Mas Adi2. Regent of Toba, Poltak Sitorus3. Regent and Deputy Regent of Humbang Haangkalan, Oloan P. Nababan - Junita4. Deputy Regent of Samosir, Andreas Simbolon5. Regent of West Nias, Eliyunus Waruwu6. Deputy Mayor of Sibolga, Memory Eva Uline7. Regent of Limapuluh Kota, Safni8. Deputy Regent of Dharmasraya, Laliranni9. Deputy Regent of West Pasaman, Syamsul Bahri10. Regent of Bengkalis, Kasmarini11. Deputy Regent of Rokan Hulu, Syarifuddin Poti12. Deputy Mayor of Pekanbaru, Kharisman Risanda13. Regent of the Anambas Islands, Wan ZuHEndra14. Mayor of Tanjungpinang, Lis Darmansyah15. Regent of Tanjung Jabung Barat, Cici Halimah16. Deputy Mayor of Jambi, Guntur Mochtar17. Regent of Banyuasin, H. Askolani18. Deputy Regent of Belitung, Sylpana19. Regent of Central Bengkulu, Sri Budiman20. Regent of South Bengkulu, Elva Hartati21. Regent of South Lampung, Nanang Ermanto22. Regent of West Lampung, Parosil Mansus23. Regent of Tanggamus, Hj Dewi Handajani24. Regent of Tulang Bawang, Hj Winarti25. Regent of Lebak, Hasby Jayabaya26. The Regent of Cianjur, Herman Suherman27. Deputy Regent of Bogor, Musyafaur Rahman28. Regent of Sukabumi, Habib Mulki29. Deputy Mayor of Depok, Chandra Rahmansyah30. Mayor of Bekasi, Tri Adhianto31. Deputy Regent of Bekasi, Ade Kuswara Kaunang32. Regent of Indramayu, Nina Agustina33. Regent of Cirebon, H. Imron34. Deputy Mayor of Tasikmalaya, Muslim35. Deputy Regent of Purworejo, Dion Agasi Setiabudi36. Regent of Wonosobo, Afif Nurhidayat37. Regent of Magelang, Grengseng Pamuji38. Regent and Deputy Regent of Regent Sukoharjo, Etik Suryani - Eko Sapto Purnomo39. Wonogiri Regent, Setyo Sukarno40. Karanganyar Regent, Rober Chistanto41. Deputy Regent of Kudus, Bellinda Putri Sabrina42. Mayor of Pekalongan, Achmad Afzan Arslan42. Regent of Bantul, Joko B. Purnomo43. Regent of Gunung Kidul, Endah Subekti Kuntarningsih44. Regent of Bangkalan, Lukman Hakim45. Regent and Deputy Regent of Tulungagung, Maryoto Birowo - Didik Girnoto46. Regent of Kediri, Hanindito Himawan47. Regent of Banyuwangi, Ipuk Fiestiandani48. Deputy Regent of Jombang, Sumrbah49. Regent of Nganjuk, Marhaen Djunadi50. Mayor of Batu, Kris Dayanti51. Deputy Regent of Badung, I Bagus Sucipta52. Regent of Karangasem, I Gede Dana53. Regent of Klungkung, I Made Putra54. Regent of Sumbawa, Abdul Rafiq55. Regent of East Sumba, David Meli Dawu56. Deputy Regent of South Central Timor, Johan Christian Talo57. Deputy Regent of Ketapang, Suprapto58. Regent of Kapuas, Wiyatno59. Regent of Seruyan, H. Ahmad Pajriannor60. Regent of Pulang Pisau, Pujirustati Narang61. Regent and Deputy Regent of North Minahasa, Joune J. E. Double - Kevin W. Lotulung62. Deputy Regent of Kep. Sangihe, Mario Seliang63. Regent of Tojo Una-una, Rendy M. Affandylamadjido.64. Regent of South Konawe, Herman Pambakho65. Regent of Konawe Islands, Andi Muhammad Lutfi66. East Kolaka Regent, Arwin67. Deputy Regent of Luwu, Erwin Barabba68. Regent of Soppeng, Mapparema69. Deputy Regent of Gorontalo, Tonny Yunus70. Regent of Boalemo, Dedy Hamzah71. Regent of Kep. Tanimbar, Adolof Bormasa72. Regent and Deputy Regent of Morotai Island, Syamsudin Banyo - Judi Robert Efendi Dadana73. Waropen Regent, Fransiscus Xaverius Mote74. Manokwari Regent, Hermus Indou75. Regent of Boven Digoel, Athanasius Koknak76. Mimika Regent, Jhon Rettob77. Regent of Tolikara, Irnus Wanimbo78. Mayor of Sorong, bag R. Jitmau

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