JAKARTA - Minister of Cooperatives (Menkop) Budi Arie Setiadi appealed to the public not to attract high interest offers from savings and loan cooperatives. Budi said this is a form of scam from cooperative employees so that people place their funds in cooperatives and lead to losses for customers.
Moreover, he said, currently there are still problematic cooperatives with loss of public funds reaching Rp26 trillion.
"The tip is not to be easily tempted by the lure of deposit flowers that don't make sense because there is definitely a potential for fraud," Budi told the media crew at the Kemenkop Building, Thursday, January 30.
Budi Arie added, based on complaints obtained from the public, there are cooperatives that offer savings interest rates of up to 14 percent. In fact, cooperative interest only reaches 5 percent.
"That's why don't be tempted by the lure of unreasonable flowers. That must be a ponzi. It's only been a year and it's smooth, after that it doesn't come back," continued Budi.
Budi further said that currently the Ministry of Cooperatives has launched a Complaint Post for the Ministry of Cooperatives which can accommodate complaints and complaints from the public. Through this complaint post, Budi hopes to complete community problems and seek to recover public funds that have suffered losses due to cooperatives.
The Coordinating Minister added that several facilities are also available as supporting facilities so that people can be more comfortable in submitting their complaints.
"Complaints can be submitted in addition to coming directly offline, as well as online Integrated through various channels such as call centers, emails, telephones, WhatsApp and websites," he said.
This complaint post is a form of commitment to continue to improve the quality of public services and create better interactions between the government and the community.
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