JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) ensures that sales of the iPhone 16 series in the country cannot be carried out until now.
This is because Apple Inc has not met the requirements for the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) for this product.
"Overall, we have not lifted the ban on the sale of Iphone 16 series in Indonesia," said Ministry of Industry spokesman Febri Hendri Antoni Arif to reporters at the Ministry of Industry Building, Jakarta, Thursday, January 30.
Febri explained that Apple had chosen a third scheme to fulfill TKDN.
However, the proposed proposal has not met the requirements set by the Ministry of Industry.
In negotiations on January 7, 2025, the Ministry of Industry asked Apple to increase the value of the proposal by six times the previous offer.
"The consideration of this increase includes investment justice, sales and sanctions rules," he said.
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Industry (Permenperin) Number 29 of 2017, companies that violate investment regulations must increase capital in proposals for the next period.
According to him, Apple did not fulfill the realization of the proposal in 2023. This company should have realized an investment of IDR 1.7 trillion, but only reached IDR 1.3 trillion.
"Because it violates, in the 2024-2026 proposal, we ask that the investment value be increased," he said.
Apple has yet to provide a revised proposal until the end of January 2025.
The company said it would bring the Ministry of Industry's request to its headquarters in the United States (US).
Febri added that the Ministry of Industry has not been able to issue Product Identity Signs (TPP) for the iPhone 16 series because they have not met TKDN.
"TKDN is the main requirement to get TPP. If the TPP does not exist yet, Apple cannot import the iPhone 16 to Indonesia," he said.
With this condition, sales of the iPhone 16 series are still prohibited in Indonesia until Apple meets the TKDN requirements set by the government.
"So TKDN first, then TPP. Then they import," he added.
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