JAKARTA Almost all products made by Google are now supported by Gemini, ranging from YouTube, Gmail, Google Drive, and others. This Artificial Intelligence (AI) model also supports the Workspace application, namely Spreadsheet.

Thanks to Gemini, the reading of Spreadsheet data now feels easier. According to Google's explanation, the AI assistant can provide insight by analyzing data. Gemini can show patterns to correlations in various variables.

"Gemini di Sheets dapat melakukan tindakan atau menjawab pertanyaan untuk mengatasi berbagai skenario. Secara khusus, Anda dapat mengganyakan pertanyaan kepada Gemini tentang data Anda," kata Google melalui situs resminya pada 28 Januari lalu.

There are several instances of cases that Google provides to clarify how Gemini works in Spreadsheets. First, small business owners can manage their cash flow by submitting a net profit prediction for the next quarter based on historical data.

Second, a financial analyst could ask Gemini to investigate the trend of invetivists and find out if there are anomalies in certain products. If found, Gemini could help the person in addressing supply chain issues or strange demand patterns.

"This update reflects Gemini in Sheets' increased intelligence as it now generates valuable output by turning your request into a Python code, executing it, then analyzing the results to perform layered analysis," Google explained.

This new capability began rolling out on January 29 and will be widely available on February 20. Gemini support on Spreadsheet can only be accessed by Google Workspace subscribers in various packages or add-on Gemini Business and Gemini Enterprise.

It is important to know that the data created must use a consistent format, a clear heading, and no missing value so that Gemini's analytical results can be accurate. Users must also apply for a very specific command.

For now, Gemini is only able to analyze files with numbers under one million cells. If asking simple questions or commands, Gemini will provide answers based on formulas, not Python codes.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)