BANJARMASIN - The Panel of Judges at the Banjarmasin District Court sentenced four defendants to the 300 kilograms of methamphetamine case.

The four defendants sentenced to death were Sutriyanto or Tri (defendant 1), Anggi Yuvi Ariesta or Anggi, M Rizky Ramadhani or Dani (24), Andika Prasetyanto or Dika (28). The death sentence hearing was chaired by the head of the panel of judges, Aris Bawono Langgeng.

"The four defendants were found guilty of violating Article 132 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 114 paragraph (2) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics", said judge Aris Bawono during a hearing at the Banjarmasin District Court, Thursday, March 25.

The panel of judges assessed the four defendants legally and convincingly committing criminal acts of probation or criminal conspiracy without rights and against the law and accepted the delivery of narcotics class 1 weighing more than 5 grams.

The judge also considered that the defendant's actions could have a very big and dangerous impact on the people of South Kalimantan and its surroundings.

The actions of the defendants are said to provide financial benefits for the defendant and his network so that he must be given a sentence that is commensurate with his actions.

The judge's verdict is in line with the demands of the prosecutor who asked the panel of judges to issue a death sentence. Meanwhile, the lawyer for the defendant Arbain expressed his disappointment with the verdict of the panel of judges. Lawyers plan to appeal.

The defendants participated in the trial virtually from the Detention Center of the South Kalimantan Regional Police's Directorate of Tahti, accompanied by their attorney. The four defendants who were sentenced to death were previously arrested by the South Kalimantan Regional Police's Directorate of Drug Research team on August 6, 2020.

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