JAKARTA - Kimberly Border cannot deny that after her divorce from Edward Akbar, she received a lot of advice to establish a better relationship with men, including financial matters.

Even Melaney Ricardo openly gave advice to Kimberly regarding the economic conditions of his future partner.

"Yes, a lot of people talk like that. Yesterday, Ms. Melaney Ricardo, she said this, 'if the first one, we can start from scratch, but if the second one, no, Kim. Don't do it'," said KimberlyRIDer in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, December 17.

This made Kimberly feel that she had to be even more careful in choosing a partner, especially since she also had to have her two children as well.

"Yes, we just hope for the best. Then we are also more careful in choosing, now it's not just about me, there are two children," he said.

He also did not want to be too hasty to open his heart to new people or be in a relationship.

"If you don't get married, you just have to know the person better," he said.

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