The Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) of West Java Province (Jabar) in 2024 was agreed upon at IDR 36.79 trillion which was focused on the development of the education, health and infrastructure sectors.
"The largest use of the budget is for education, health, and infrastructure," said Acting Governor of West Java Bey Viki Machmudin, in Bandung as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, November 16.
The West Java 2024 APBD was agreed at the Plenary Meeting of the 2024 Regional Budget Raperda Approval to Become a Regional Regulation, at the West Java DPRD Office, Bandung City on Wednesday (15/11).
Bey said the accuracy and accuracy of the members of the council did not reduce the speed until the approval process for the Raperda to become the 2024 APBD Regional Regulation could be completed faster than the deadline of November 30, 2023.
"Of course I really appreciate and thank the West Java DPRD and this approval is completed 15 days earlier than the deadline, namely November 30, 2023," said Bey.
After the West Java Regional Budget Raperda 2024 was approved as a regional regulation, the next stage was an evaluation by the Ministry of Home Affairs to ensure that the APBD was prepared in accordance with the RPD, RKPD, KUA-PPAS, and the provisions of the legislation.
The West Java APBD structure includes regional expenditures of Rp36.79 trillion, consisting of operational expenditures, capital expenditures, unexpected expenditures, and transfer expenditures.
Then the regional revenue target is IDR 35.92 trillion, which comes from local revenue (PAD), transfer income, and other legitimate regional income.
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Thus, there is a difference between regional spending and regional income of Rp866.55 billion which must be closed through net financing, namely the difference obtained from the reduction in the amount of financing receipts with the total financing issued within a certain period or period.
Later, the results obtained from reducing financing and financing that have been issued can be positive or surplus but may also be negative or deficit.
Both the results are a surplus and the deficit in the difference between the financing received and issued in one period of the certain fiscal year must be included in net financing.
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