
MALUKU - The Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) of Maluku Province has again received the handover of wild animals in the form of three Black-headed Nuri birds or Lorius Loru from PT Pelni Ambon.

"Our officers in Saumlaki received the handover of wild animals from PT Pelni, which were the findings on the KM Leuser ship," said Maluku BKSDA Forest Police (Polhut) Seto in Ambon, Monday, November 13, as reported by Antara.

He explained that the animal was in good health and had been secured at the Saumlaki Animal Conservation Station before being released into its habitat.

According to him, the perpetrators who carry protected animals are only given guidance by ship officers after security.

They brought them for souvenirs to Java Island, and more than one owner. So we only provide guidance," he said.

Seto also appealed to the public to be more aware of the preservation of animals in Maluku, that there are many types of Maluku endemic birds and species whose legal status is protected by law.

Based on the provisions of Law no. 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and their Ecosystems that anyone with intent to capture, injure, kill, store, possess, maintain, transport, and trade protected animals alive; (Article 21 paragraph (2) letter a), is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of five years and a maximum fine of Rp. 100 million (Article 40 paragraph (2).

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