
JAKARTA - The appointment of Sultan Hamengkubowo IV brought a stir to the whole land of Java. He is still very young as the ruler of Yogyakarta. This condition brings disaster. His reign is far from optimal.

His uncle, Patih Danurejo IV, did not want to lose momentum. Instead of being wise and guiding Hamengkubuwono IV, Danurejo actually made his performance like a doll. Like a king without a crown. The recitation was for Danurejo who is a wealthy corrupt. His family also enjoyed benefits.

No one knows about death. That's the narrative that represents the atmosphere when Sultan Hamengkubuwono III passed away. The Yogyakarta side feels lost by the leader. This condition is not much different from those present in the palace.

The top officials of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta are sad that they are not playing. However, the succession of leadership must continue. The one candidate who met the requirements was Gusti Raden Mas Ibnu Jarot. As a result, he was then crowned the new king of Yogyakarta in 1814.

He has the right to bear the name Sultan Hamengkubuwono IV. Problems arise. Not all of them support theappropriation. The age of Hamengkubuwono IV is only 10 years old. An agreement was made. The option to run the wheels of government was temporarily held by the king's guardian, Prince Natakusuma or Pakualam I.

The appointment was not wise. Natakusuma is actually more concerned with the development of its power center in Pakualaman District, than the Yogyakarta Sultanate. Patih Sultanate of Yogyakarta, Danurejo IV also smelled the problem like an opportunity.

He took advantage of his position optimally. He acted like the ruler of Yogyakarta. He carried out all kinds of political decisions on his own in the name of the king. The goal is clear to get as much profit as possible. The affairs of the people of Yogyakarta live in poverty are different about if you don't want to say it, don't think about it.

His power continued even though Hamengkubuwono IV had grown up 1820. Hamengkubowo returned to his office. Hamengkubuwono IV's leadership is like a doll. He was cleverly used by Danurejo.

Danurejo freely replaces important officials in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta with his own relatives. The study is so that his family is splashed with benefits.

The ultan Hamengkubuwono IV, which then moved into 18 years, was controlled by his father-in-law Patih Danurejo IV. He ordered an increase in the number of levies (tolpoorten) that were rented out to Chinese people through the acquisition system (deposit).

These levies are very detrimental to the people. Patih is actually not entitled to issue a decisive decision regarding the course of government because he is not a state owner," explained Nugroho Notosusanto and his friends in the book Indonesian National History Volume IV (2008).

It is possible that Hamengkubuwono IV has taken power. However, Danurejo's power did not go away. The performance of Danurejo's life made Hamengkubuwono IV king without a crown continue. He continues to act like a defender for the Sultanate of Yogyakarta.

Danurejo even freely made contact with the Dutch to impoverish the people of Yogyakarta. While Hamengkubuwono IV was kept busy on its own on other agendas. All of this smoothly took place because Danurejo was often able to incorporate Hamengkubuwono.

Patih Yogyakarta so has power like a king. He was able to take part in the matter of taxation and land leases. He was also able to dismiss and accept new officials. In fact, Danurejo made many of his relatives as officials.

The move brought great disaster to the people of Yogyakarta. Many officials who were appointed were incompetent. Hamengkubuwono IV's leadership was criticized. Prince Diponegoro took a stand. He immediately went to his younger brother, Hamengkubuwono IV, asking for accountability.

Hamengkubowo IV argued. He mentioned all kinds of policies that Danurejo had discussed to many people. Mainly, Diponegoro. However, Diponegoro did not feel Danurejo talking to him. Danurejo was then referred to as a thorn in government meat.

However, nothing can be done. Danurejo continued to control Hamengkubuwono IV until the ruler of Yogyakarta died. Hamengkubowo IV died when he had just returned to the Yogyakarta Palace after returning from his pesanggrahan on December 6, 1822.

The death was considered by Diponegoro for the actions of Danurejo. However, Danurejo continued to dodge and even allied himself with the Dutch to fight Diponegoro. Danurejo continues to perpetuate his power over Yogyakarta, even though Sultan Hamengkubowo V is still three years old has been crowned.

In his century, Diponegoro described how the appointment of these police officers was carried out without his consent and he was only indirectly informed through the intermediary of several members of the Sultan's family and the uzur palace regent. Then Prince met his younger brother directly. The fourth Sultan, with a choice, or accepted his advice that the appointment would cause heavy tax burdens in rural areas and cancel the appointment letter.

Or let the letter remain valid so that it openly sided with two tough opponents Diponegoro in the palace, namely Danurejo IV and Wironegoro. The Sultan seemed to have chosen to withdraw the appointment letter, but then an argument broke out between Diponegoro and Wironegoro when Wironegoro defended his actions and fiercely opposed the cancellation, "explained historian Peter Carey in the book Power of Prediction (2011).

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