
JAKARTA - History today, 78 years ago, September 5, 1945, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX stated that the Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, which is of the kingdom, is part of the Special Region (DI) of the Republic of Indonesia.

He made this statement in a written mandate. Previously, the man whose real name is Gusti Raden Mas Dorodjatun was known to grow and develop outside the walls of the Yogyakarta Palace. This narrative made Dorodjaton sensitive to the fate of the people. He is also pro to the struggle against the invaders.

Dorodjatun did not feel much joy living in the Yogyakarta Palace. His father, Sultan Hamengkubowo VIII prefers Dorodjatun to be forged outside the palace. The Sultan of Yogyakarta did not want his son to grow up spoiled.

His wish is that Dorodjatun can be educated following the progress of the times. Since then, Dorodjatun has been entrusted to Europeans boarding houses in various parts of the archipelago. All kinds of facilities in the style of the Javanese King's children were abolished.

The results were brilliant. Dorodjatun grew up as a child who was disciplined, simple, and democratic. Even that fact makes him more sensitive to the fate of the natives. He saw how his nation was squeezed like a dairy cow. He also had hope to see the natives independent.

He also chose to continue his studies in the Netherlands. His simplicity is even more open in people's countries. He met many students from the archipelago who had the same aspirations. This provision was then used as a guideline when replacing his father as the new ruler of Yogyakarta in 1940.

He became king with the title Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. His leadership was democratic. He proved this narrative when the existence of the Dutch colonialists changed Japan. He did not want his people to become Romusha (forced workers). He also tricked him in various ways. He even put up a body for that. Because, he believes that the Japanese power will not last long.

He also deliberately falsified the statistics in his report to Japan, to the impression that his area of power was narrow and minus. However, thus, he even managed to get funds to build waterways, including from the Progo River to dry areas in Sleman. Quite a lot of youth and farmers were deployed for this construction of the dam and irrigation.

The principle was successful until Sri Sultan had a reason to reject Japanese instructions to recruit youths to become romusha for forced labor in Burma. He believes that Japan's occupation is only for the duration of corn, aka three and a half years, a short, aka the prediction of Joyoboyo, Sri Sultan, considers the proclamation of independence as the time he has been waiting for, "wrote Budiman S. Hartoyo and his friends in his report in Tempo Magazine entitled More Large than His Throne (1988).

He fully supports all national figures to liberate the Indonesian nation. The day after the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on August 17, 1945, he congratulated him. Even then he said that Yogyakarta was ready to be part of Indonesia.

As proof of his seriousness, Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX issued an important mandate on September 5, 1945. He stated that Yogyakarta is part of Indonesia. He made this statement so that all the people of Yogyakarta recognized Indonesia as their country.

"That the country of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat which is a special area of the Republic of Indonesia. That we as regional heads hold all power within the country of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat."

"And therefore, related to the current situation, all the affairs of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat domestic government from now on are in our hands and other powers We hold all of them. That the relationship between the country of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat and the Central Government of the Republic of Indonesia is direct and We are responsible for our country directly to the President of the Republic of Indonesia," said Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX in his mandate as quoted by Mohamad Roem and his friends in the book Takktah for the People (2013).

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