The Story Of Prince Diponegoro Slapping His Uncle For Corruption

JAKARTA - Mental corruption is not just a monopoly of Dutch colonialists. Local rulers such as Patih Yogyakarta, Danurejo IV also love corruption. He made Sultan Hamengkubuwono IV like a doll. The recitation made the Danurejo IV match like the ruler of Java.

His policy is suffering for the people. He also likes to seize people's land, even his ancestors. Prince Diponegoro was embarrassed by his uncle's behavior. The corruption that Danurejo IV perpetuated was too much. The Javanese prince was emotional about taking the handles and slapping his uncle in the face.

Power often makes a person change. That's what happened to Sumodipuro. The official of the Regent of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta was originally known as a wise and wise leader. Moreover, when Sumodipuro got the opportunity to lead the Japanese region or Mojokerto.

This achievement made him famous, Prince Diponegoro attracted. Diponegoro then proposed to his father, Sultan Hamengkubuwono III to appoint Sumodipuro as Patih Dalem Sultanate of Yogyakarta.

Ulam's beloved Pucuk arrived. Diponegoro's proposal was passed by his father in 1813. Even Sumodipuro later officially became Patih Yogyakarta with the new name Danurejo IV. Diponegoro also fully supports Danurejo IV. However, the support did not last long.

Everything changed when Sultan Hamengkubuwono III died. The vacancy of power forced Raden Mas Ibnu Jarot, who was still a child (10 years old) to the throne and become Sultan Hamengkubowo IV.

The Danurejo IV braid is starting to appear. The leadership of the Sultan, who is still too young, was actually used by Danurejo IV to get as much profit as possible. For Danurejo IV, Sultan Hamengkubowono IV is like a doll. Because, the real leadership is in the control of Danurejo.

The power made Danurejo IV darken his eyes. The policy of extorting the people of Yogyakarta was played. All his brothers occupy an important position in the Palace. He also bowed to the Dutch. All kinds of Dutch desires are tried to be perpetuated, as long as there is a percent. Including cultivating people's land, even their ancestral lands.

Diponegoro considers that the Javanese land that has fallen into the hands of infidels must be reclaimed with sabil based on the Koran. Another problem that is troubling Diponegoro's inner state is the massive collection of taxes and duties. To increase the financial income of the Sultanate, his younger brother carried out a disgraceful policy.

The ultan Hamengkubuwono IV, which then moved into 18 years, was controlled by his father-in-law Patih Danurejo IV. He ordered an increase in the number of levies (tolpoorten) leased to Chinese people through the acquisition system. These levies are very detrimental to the people. Patih is actually not entitled to issue a decisive decision regarding the course of government because he is not a state owner," explained Nugroho Notosusanto and his friends in the book Indonesian National History Volume IV (2008).

The life of Danurejo IV who lived acting as the King of Java to Diponegoro. The Javanese prince felt that what Danurejo IV did was outrageous. In fact, Danurejo IV was originally not anyone without Diponegoro's power that pushed him into Patih Yogyakarta.

Diponegoro's anger at Danurejo IV grew even more when he learned about the traces of corruption that his uncle had perpetuated. Diponegoro did not remain silent. This is because reports related to the injustice committed by Danurejo IV continued to arrive.

Prince Diponegoro, who was furious, called Danurejo IV in 1817. Diponegoro like introgating his uncle to explain the case of treatment that harmed the whole of Yogyakarta. Patih Danurejo IV continues to dodge.

Danurejo IV felt that he had done nothing wrong and continued to deny it. Prince Diponegoro was furious. The Javanese prince then took his cell phone and slapped Danurejo IV in public. The incident was witnessed by officials and members of the Sultan's family of Yogyakarta.

The corrupt Danurejo IV could not contain shame. He then considered Diponegoro like an enemy who had to be destroyed. Danurejo IV often disturbed Diponegoro's power until the Java War broke out.

Who doesn't know the image of Prince Diponegoro who is angry and slapped Patih Yogya who is hypocritical and corrupt, Danurejo IV (serving 1813-1847), with a cell phone for an argument about renting royal land to Europeans before the Java War (1825-1830) )

The incident that caused the excitement of the Yogya Palace "Look at the centana, a member of the Sultan's family, who was watching the event with admiration this underscores that the issue of corruption is one of the eternal issues that has plagued our homeland. In the Diponegoro era, the issue of corruption became a major trigger for the Javanese War, although it was not discussed in the school textbooks in Indonesia at this time," explained historian Peter Carey in the book Corruption in the Indonesia History Cross (2017).