SUMBAR - Flower carcasses fully bloom in the yard of residents of Jorong Rantau Jambu, Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra).

Head of the West Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) Ardi Andono said the corpse flower of the Amorphophallus titanum was accidentally found by the resident.

"There are residents who reported to the West Sumatra BKSDA that a corpse flower was found in the Sijunjung area," Ardi said in a written statement, Friday, July 7, which was confiscated by Antara.

After receiving the report, SKW III officers together with the Daily Head of BP Geopark Ranah Minang Silokek Ridwan accompanied by the land owner immediately checked the location for the growth of the corpse flower.

"Arriving at the location, a corpse flower was found which had fully bloomed," he said.

He revealed, from the observations of the West Sumatra BKSDA team, he also found one child from a corpse flower.

In addition, the BKSDA team has also fenced off the area around the corpse flower.

According to him, maximizing the supervisory function, BKSDA provides understanding or outreach to the public, that Amorphophallus titanum is a plant protected by law.

He also appealed to the surrounding community to protect these rare plants and not to destroy them.

Land owner Loly said the corpse flower began to bloom perfectly yesterday evening. At that time, it started to emit a pungent odor up to a radius of approximately 100 meters.

"Unlike usual, these protected plants grow outside the forest area," he said.

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