Arrest 5 Smuggling Syndicate Of 28 Thousand Benur In NTB, Buru Police Giver Of Capital
The police showed evidence and five perpetrators who were involved in a lobster seed smuggling syndicate at a press conference activity at the NTB Police Headquarters, Mataram, Monday (19/6/2023). (ANTARA/Dhimas B.P.)

NTB - The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police (Polda) uncovered a syndicate of smuggling 28 thousand fries or lobster seeds by arresting five perpetrators who had different roles.

"The five perpetrators were arrested at different locations and roles," said Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Pol. Arman Asmara Syarifuddin in Mataram, Monday, June 19, confiscated by Antara.

The five people had the initials IP (27), AE (21), JH (35), Z (34), and KR (36). All the perpetrators came from Central Lombok Regency.

Director of the Water and Air Police (Dirpolairud) of the NTB Police, Kombes Pol. Kobul Syahrin Ritonga, said that the success of the team in uncovering a syndicate suspected of having a smuggling network to foreign countries began with the arrest of a driver and a kernet carrying 28 thousand lobster seeds, with the initials IP and AE.

"Both of them were arrested in the Lembar Harbor area, West Lombok. They were arrested while waiting for the ferry to Bali," he said.

From the arrests of the two perpetrators, said two, it was revealed that the delivery of lobster seeds outside the area was an order from a man with the initials JH.

"After we developed it, three days later we managed to arrest JH at his home in the Central Lombok area," he said.

From JH's arrest, he continued, it was revealed the role of two other actors, namely Z and KR. Both act as JH's messengers to send the lobster seeds.

Perpetrator Z was revealed to be a fisherman who provided lobster seeds. The seeds were bought by KR.

From the KR examination, he said, it was revealed again that there was a role for the capital giver. Regarding this role, Kobul said that his party is still conducting searches in the field.

"We have obtained the identity of the financier and are still being pursued," said Kobul.

Peran KR sebagai penerima modal untuk menyediakan benak lobster mendapatkan bukti adanya transfer uang melalui sistem transaksi perbankan secara daring.

"We have printed 15 pieces of evidence of remittances from the big boss. We got it from KR's mobile banking," he said.

For the five perpetrators, he said, his party carried out detention on the basis of determining as a suspect suspected of violating Article 92, Article 26 paragraph (1) of Law No. 45 of 2009 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2022 concerning Job Creation and/or Article 88 in conjunction with Article 35 paragraph (1) letter a of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 21 of 2019 concerning Quarantine of Animals, Fish and Plants.

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