JAYAPURA - Two civilians were reportedly persecuted by an unknown person (OTK) at KM 06 Dekai, Yahukimo Regency, Papua Mountains.
Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Prabowo, in Jayapura, Tuesday said the incident occurred Monday, April 24 when the two victims, S (58) and M (36) were in his garden.
He said based on witness testimony that three unidentified people came to the victim and immediately tortured him until he was injured.
"The two victims were abused using sharp weapons, namely machetes, resulting in severe injuries," said Benny as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, April 25.
He added that the two people are currently still being treated at Dekai Hospital.
Benny said the police had conducted an examination at the crime scene (TKP) to look for evidence and witness statements to be developed with the assistance of the TNI.
"The evidence that was secured was in the form of a machete, arrow, blue bag, shorts, white t-shirt, black jacket, keys along with a Yamaha Mio motorcycle," he said.
He said members of the TNI-Polri had conducted a search and investigation and would conduct a crime scene investigation.
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