JAKARTA - For some people, having a pet is a happiness in itself, especially to accompany their baby. Pets can teach children about responsibility, trust, affection, and patience.

Therefore choosing the type of pet cannot be arbitrary. You need careful consideration. Quoting the Times of India, Wednesday, May 17, here are the factors that need to be considered to choose pets for children.

Consider the size of the pet and how suitable the pet is to your home. Larger animals are usually more difficult to handle and can pose a risk to small children. Moderate to small animals are more suitable for families living in apartments. If your home has a yard, pets such as massive dogs can be considered.

Determine the race of pets who have friendly and patient stature. Animals that are known to be calm and loving are good choices for families with children. Golden Retriever, Beagles, Noodles, Pugs, British Shorthair, Maine Coon, and Persian are some of the recommendations of choice for you.

Consider the energy level of the animals you will maintain. High-energy animals require a lot of exercise and involvement in playing time, while those with low energy may be more suitable for families who prefer a relaxed lifestyle.

Pets that are easy to train and want to learn can be a better choice. Smart dogs and cats and enjoy working with humans are a good choice for families with children.

It is important to remember to socialize, care for, and train your pet properly, regardless of race. To ensure that the pet feels safe and loved so that it can behave well around the children.

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