JAKARTA – Ahead of the 2024 Election, each political party has begun to take a stance that is not in line with the ruling party. President Jokowi, according to the Executive Director of the Institute for Democracy & Strategic Affairs Khoirul Umam, is reportedly the same.

Observing the internal dynamics of the current government, it is said that there is a feeling among government parties about the domination of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) which is too monopolistic in the distribution of the cake of power. This can be seen from the appointment of Dito Ariotedjo as Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora). According to Umam, although he is listed as a Golkar Party cadre, Dito's appointment was not the choice of Golkar Party chairman Airlangga Hartarto.

"Because Airlangga reportedly wants Maman Abdurrahman more. As for the choice of the name Dito, it is said that it was driven more strongly by proxies for political power that actually came from outside the Golkar network," Umam said in a statement to VOI on April 10, 2023.

In the end, the perception of domination in the distribution of the power cake naturally gave rise to efforts by the current government parties to seek a new balance point. Currently, there is not a single party in government that has shown its seriousness in approaching the ruling party.

Instead of getting closer, a number of parties actually built their own political power. As if to mark the existence of a tendency of resistance to confront the ruling party.

Five general chairmen of political parties attended the Ramadan Gathering with the President at the PAN DPP office, Jakarta on April 2, 2023. The gathering resulted in a discourse on forming a grand coalition. (Ministry of Trade Doc)

A clear example can also be seen from the Ramadan Gathering with the President at the PAN DPP office, Jakarta on April 2. Five general party chairmen attended, but not a single representative from PDIP as the ruling party participated. In fact, after the event, there was talk of forming a grand coalition.

Umam sees this as a political move to "encircle" PDIP. With the hope that the red party will hand over the golden ticket, no longer insisting on nominating the president and vice president in the 2024 election and fully surrendering to the decisions of the grand coalition.

"According to a number of speculative information across parties, there are party chairmen from one of the five government parties who participated in the grand coalition discourse yesterday, which lately have often held roadshows to meet other parties to convey the message 'as long as the red do not rule again' in 2024, Umam said.

PDIP attitude

However, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) does not seem to be fooled by the coalition's agenda of interests. PDIP limited its negotiating space by asserting that it is ready to join as long as the position of the presidential candidate is handed over to them.

With mature experience in the national political scene, Megawati seems to have caught a whiff when her party is being 'persuaded' or even 'dictated'.

According to Umam, prohibiting or limiting PDIP from exercising its rights in the 2024 presidential election is an insult. Apart from having higher party electability, PDI Perjuangan also has a potential presidential candidate with high electability. They even have a golden ticket that can nominate their own candidate.

"If the PDI Perjuangan is offended, as the saying goes, it is better to have the ticket torn up than to be used by someone else. Therefore, the attitude of Bu Mega and PDI Perjuangan not to hand over the golden ticket and to strengthen the negotiation space by dividing the position of the presidential candidate, is a smart and wise step to save the reputation of the party," he said.

Thus, Umam considers Megawati's step not to attend the gathering as a brilliant decision.

“Even though the Ketum PAN said that the PDI Perjuangan was invited, it was clear that none of the representatives from the PDI Perjuangan management were present. That must have been on orders or knowledge of Mrs. Mega. This means that when the grand coalition idea was launched, it was clear and clear that the PDI Perjuangan was not part of the grand coalition," Umam added.

Apart from having higher party electability, PDIP also has a potential presidential candidate with high electability. (Antara/HO-Ganjar Volunteers)

The PDIP's silence at this time reflects its firmness and caution with parties that want to back up the power of its political machine. This is a form of maturity in politics that is ready with all the consequences, both winning and losing in contests.

“PDI Perjuangan is not like other parties which are weak and cannot fast from power. PDI Perjuangan has an ideological political perspective and high self-esteem in democracy. This was proven when he played the role of the opposition for 10 years," said Umam.

In fact, the strengthening of the political strategy to surround the PDIP led to a reaction to Jokowi's positioning in the party's internal eyes. Jokowi is considered like a bean forgetting his skin, as if he doesn't understand where he comes from. Jokowi is more busy thinking about other parties than his own party.

"That is why at the PDIP's 50th Harlah National Working Meeting forum on January 10, PDI Perjuangan Ketum Megawati again brought up Jokowi's position as a party official. Just to emphasize that Jokowi does not forget his position before the PDI Perjuangan itself," added Umam.

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