Ganjar Will Return 5-10 Percent Health Budget Cuts
Presidential Candidate (Capres) number three, Ganjar Pranowo will return 5 to 10 percent of the health budget cut to create good health services throughout Indonesia.
"Only when the previous law stipulated that there was a percentage of the budget for health that must be given, cut yesterday," said Ganjar in the fifth presidential candidate debate at the Jakarta Covition Center (JCC), Sunday, January 4.
"I think this should be returned, the figure of 5 to 10 percent is a number that can ensure that in our health politics the service will be much better," he continued.
With the return of the budget cuts, Ganjar believes good health services will reduce the number of life expectancy. This is what the community wants and conveys to him.
"If then you can get good service, feel comfortable, happy, live longer lives," he said.
Therefore, Ganjar said the role of posyandu, kelurahan, RT was an extraordinary force. In addition, the government must assist with existing policies.
"So that in budget politics there is a percentage to be prepared to fulfill it. Of course, we can do this in stages and that is a fairly comprehensive program that can complete a longer life expectancy," said Ganjar.