JAKARTA - The PPA Unit of the East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim secured the perpetrators of sexual harassment of minors that occurred on Jalan Damai, Lubang Buaya, Cipayung District, East Jakarta, Thursday, February 15.

The suspect with the initials MR (22) was previously arrested by residents at the scene. The man with long hair was arrested under tight guard by residents who held both hands of the perpetrators.

The suspect was taken to the Cipayung Police. However, because the case was an act of violence against children, the perpetrator was arrested by the East Jakarta Metro Police PPA Unit.

The suspect was arrested by residents after carrying out his obscene actions at the scene. Residents who saw the incident of harassment immediately pulled the jacket worn by the perpetrator until the perpetrator fell from the motorbike he was driving.

The Head of PPA for the East Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Sri Yatmini, confirmed the incident.

"The perpetrator has the initials MR (22). Currently, the perpetrator is still in the investigation stage of investigators," said AKP Sri when confirmed, Thursday, February 15.

Meanwhile, the PPA Unit is still completing the evidence of the harassment incident. The police are also still investigating the motives of the suspect's abuse.

For his actions, the suspect MR is threatened with being subject to Article 76E Jo psl 82 of Law No. 17 THN 2016 concerning government regulations in lieu of Law No. 23 THN 2002 concerning PA with a penalty of 5 to 15 years in prison.

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