JAKARTA Yuni Sri Rahayu (41) a housemaid (PRT) ventured to run as a candidate for legislative member (Caleg) of the DKI DPRD. With minimal capital, Yuni hopes to become a representative of the people in the VII electoral district (dapil), South Jakarta.

Yuni admitted that at first she was not interested in becoming a member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, but because she received encouragement from the party that carried her, Yuni was confident even though she did not have a large budget.

The domestic worker, who has three employers, admitted that the salary he received was collected to become campaign capital.

"Actually, I have no intention of becoming a legislative candidate, because my position is working as a domestic worker," Yuni said when met at her home in the Cipete area, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Thursday, February 1.

"Just because I was assigned to my network, that's what makes me want it or not, ready or not. Yes, I want to be a legislative candidate," he continued.

Yuni admitted that at first she had received rejection from her husband and family. Because, said Yuni, what they know to run as a legislative candidate must have big capital.

"There is a rejection. Because the capital must be large. The fear is the same. My other family, my mother, my sister are also rich like that. I just said 'don't spend capital,' he said.

Yuni admitted that the capital spent on campaigns and administration to become a candidate for the DKI Jakarta DPRD was IDR 2.5 million. For campaign props (APK) to administration.

"Just 'APK, it's not up to 2 million. Only' if it's the same, such a test can reach around 2.5 million," said Yuni.

However, Yuni is committed if she loses, she will not be disappointed. This is because the capital spent is not too much compared to other candidates.

"Not disappointed, the capital is also not much. So if you win, you are grateful. If you lose, that's it," he concluded.

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