JAKARTA - The Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) recorded support for Prabowo Subianto as the highest compared to Ganjar Pranowo and Anies Baswedan in a survey simulation of three names of prospective presidential candidates on October 16-18, 2023 with a question if the election is today. "Prabowo Subianto was most chosen with 35.8 percent, followed by Ganjar Pranowo with 30.9 percent and Anies Baswedan with 19.7 percent," said LSI Executive Director Djayadi Hanan in a survey monitored online in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, October 22. Dyajadi in a survey presentation with the theme Public Attitude towards the Constitutional Court's Decision and its Impact on Political Support in the 2024 General Election stated that respondents who did not know or did not answer in the survey simulation were still relatively high, namely 13.6 percent. According to him, Prabowo Subianto's electability was the highest stable since the survey via telephone by LSI in April 2023. At that time, support for Prabowo reached 30.3 percent, then rose to 35.8 percent in July. He said that Prabowo's electability had slightly decreased in September 2023 to 34 percent, then rose back to 35.8 in October 2023. For Ganjar Pranowo, support is also stable in second place with a fluctuating electability trend from 26.9 percent in April. In July it rose to 32.2 percent, then fell back to 30.4 percent in September 2023. However, this figure rose slightly to 30.9 percent in October 2023. Meanwhile, support for Anies Baswedan is also stable in third place. However, support for him tended to decline from 25.3 percent in April to 19.7 percent in October 2023. This survey involved 1,229 respondents who already have the right to vote. Determination of samples using the method of random digit dialing method (RDD).
Respondents were interviewed by telephone by trained interviewers, and the margin of error was around 2.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.

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