TANGERANG - The action of breast robbery was almost experienced by a household assistant (ART) with the initials C (18) in the Jalan Bukit Menoreh II area, Serua, Ciputat, South Tangerang. The victim tried to chase the perpetrator, but failed because the victim was riding an electric motorbike at that time, while the perpetrator was riding a conventional motorbike.

East Ciputat Police Chief, Kompol Agung Nugroho confirmed the incident. The incident occurred Wednesday, September 13, at 11.00 WIB.

"Yes, that's right, the victim picked up the employer's child, the victim turned out to be domestic assistant," said Agung when confirmed, Friday, September 15.

He told that the incident began when the victim, who was riding an electric motorbike with her employer's child, took him home. However, when he arrived at the crime scene (TKP), the perpetrator came on a motorbike and immediately approached the victim and abused him.

Luckily, the victim was alert so that the perpetrator failed to commit the sexual harassment. The victim immediately shouted and chased the perpetrator.

"The victim had chased, the witness saw and the witness followed. The perpetrator brought his motorbike fast so it was not overtaken," said Agung.

The police, who received the information, immediately investigated the case by checking CCTV at the scene.

"CCTV is still being studied and witnesses are seeing it. Because the perpetrator is wearing a face covering and a swiper," he concluded.

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