Tips For Changing Pain Into Cassiopea Yap's Force, Must Start With Yourself

JAKARTA - Singaporean author Cassiopea Yap released his latest book titled Cass by the Garden - Love and Forgive. Broadly speaking, this book tries to motivate women to process pain into strength.

On one occasion, Cassiopea Yap tried to share tips with his readers to make pain a motivation to rise. He conveyed that the first thing to do was to forgive yourself.

"First of all, you have to forgive yourself, you don't need to feel guilty, or think about the person you are traveling to. At the beginning of my journey I didn't know what to do, after I struggled I learned to understand," said Cassiopea Yap in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 23.

Next is learning to let go. Let go of being one of the processes in forgiveness, both yourself and others

"I tried to let go. If I don't let go, I won't forgive. So, I learned to let go, learned to forgive," said Cassiopea Yap.

In addition, Cassiopea Yap also said that we must have the courage to apologize. This allows other people we care about to forget the problems that have happened.

"And sometimes also learn to apologize. When you apologize to other people, other people may not remember the story. Why did that happen," he continued.

For Cassiopea Yap, the process of releasing and accepting what is happening in our lives can be an entry point for the good things to come.

"So you have to learn to accept and let go. Once you let go, new things will follow. When you can't let go, new things won't come," he added.

"If you let go or let go of painful things, it's probably a fun thing to come but if not, you'll be stuck in that pain," concluded Cassiopea Yap.