Investigate Allegations Of Corruption At Mukomuko Hospital, State Loss Of IDR 2.5 Billion, The Prosecutor's Office Calls 500 Witnesses

BENGKULU - Mukomuko District Attorney (Kejari) continues to investigate the alleged corruption case in the financial management of the Mukomuko Regional General Hospital (RSUD) for the 2016-2021 fiscal year. A total of 500 witnesses have been examined.

"In the investigation into the RSUD case, we have examined more than 500 witnesses and have confiscated documents that are considered important for evidence," said Head of the Mukomuko Kejari Rudi Iskandar in Mukomuko, Bengkulu, Monday, September 18, confiscated by Antara.

In this case, which is estimated to have cost the state an estimated Rp1 billion, to around Rp2.5 billion, the Kejari examined hundreds of witnesses, apart from being carried out at the prosecutor's office, as well as visiting Mukomuko Hospital.

Previously, the Mukomuko Kejari examined as many as 24 drug supplier companies to the RSUD, the leadership of BPJS Health, and former officials at the RSUD starting from 2016-2021. He said that the party conducted an examination of the leadership of drug suppliers to find out the invoices for selling and ordering drugs requested by the RSUD. In the process of ordering this drug, something was carried out by the management of the Mukomuko Hospital directly and there were also those who shop using the e-catalog system.

For types of drug orders ranging from generic drugs, to medical devices with the average results of previous drug "supplier" examinations that have undergone examination.

Then, he said, his institution examined around 500 employees, both honorarium, medical and non-medical who worked at the RSUD starting in 2016-2021.

He said investigators examined 500 witnesses to ask for information from everyone whether they had received honorariums and what legal basis they received the honorarium.