
JAKARTA - The police will involve Sociologists and the Forensic Psychology Association (Apsifor) team to conduct an in-depth investigation regarding the confession of the perpetrator of the shooting of the MUI office in Central Jakarta as the representative of the Prophet.

Direskrimum Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Hengki Haryadi explained the purpose of involving sociologists. To find out whether it is included in the flow carried out by the perpetrators, including deviating or not.

"We will carry out a psychological autopsy of our method of retrospective back, later there will be a complete profiling by the APSIFOR team with the Jatanras team, investigators from the Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya," said Direskrimum Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Hengki Haryadi to reporters at the Menteng Police, Tuesday, May 2.

Together with religious sociologists to find out whether this is a deviant sect then whether this is a sect and so on. Let this be the one who answers religious sociology, including MUI Later we will hold releases including Densus, including Forensic reports and so on," he continued.

Meanwhile, regarding the information explaining the perpetrators visiting the Central Jakarta MUI office to ask for legalistas, Hengki admitted it. However, to find out more, his party is still investigating.

"If the person concerned is like that, yes, this is still the beginning of our colleagues, we are collaborating, it's not finished yet," he concluded.

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