
JAKARTA - Today's memory, 13 years ago, May 23, 2010, former President Bacharuddin Jusuf (BJ) Habibie held a tahlilan for his late wife, Hasri Ainun Besari. The talilan was preserved at Habibie's residence, Munich, Germany.

Previously, Ainun's departure brought deep sorrow to all Indonesian people. All of this was because Ainun was considered a meritorious woman figure. He was able to accompany Habibie in both difficult and happy. In fact, his love story inspires many people.

The figures of Habibie and Ainun are often role models for all Indonesian people. The figure of Ainun, especially. He was able to prove himself to be a strong woman. He is ready to accompany his husband in difficult times though.

Ainun once accompanied Habibie to a difficult life in Germany. Ainun still gave full support to Habibie. It was difficult or happy for both of them to pass with enthusiasm. That attitude made Habibie strong and able to grow rapidly.

Habibie was able to become an expert in the aerospace of the world. Ainun accompanied him until Habibie became President of Indonesia. His dedication and loyalty never faded. Habibie was the opposite. Habibie's dedication and loyalty to Ainun need not be doubted.

Especially when Ainun was seriously ill in early 2010. Habibie took his wife to receive intensive care in Germany on March 24, 2010. He faithfully accompanied his wife at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Hospital, Klinium Gro'hadern, Munich, Germany.

Even though his wife's condition is getting worse day by day. Ainun has a number of diseases that eat away at her body. Tumor in the lungs, especially. The disease forced Ainun through its critical phases. Habibie also hopes that Ainun will recover quickly as usual.

The doctor diagnosed a tumor in Ainun's lungs. He is not recommended to live in a tropical area with a high humidity level, the doctor has just given Ainun's permission to return to Indonesia if his health has improved.

Meanwhile, Ainun had to undergo 12 surgery to remove her ovarian cancer, because this cancer had spread to her stomach. Habibie has worked hard to treat his beloved wife, "explained Jonar TH Situmorang in the book BJ Habibie: Si Jenius (2017).

Fate said otherwise. The disease forced Ainun through its critical phases in Germany to death on May 22, 2010. Ainun's departure left deep sorrow for the bereaved family. Habibie, let alone.

Habibie couldn't help but feel sad. He also made his apartment inwahmannstrasse, Munich a funeral home. He also managed tahlilan for his wife on May 23, 2010. The news of Ainun's departure was spread. Habibie's colleagues throughout Germany also came to the funeral home.

They came with high condolences. In fact, some of them were also called to escort Ainun's body back to Indonesia the next day, May 24, 2010.

The guests were indeed placed in two apartment rooms on the second floor of the building, the recitation (tahllian) and the recitation were in an apartment with a large terrace, while the relatives of Habibie's family who came from afar were invited to rest in the other, which was smaller, next to each other.

"In this smaller apartment, there is also a meeting from the Indonesian Embassy for the departure of the body. Prepared travel documents, the processing of this permit, and almost all of them set cell phone rings with vibrational mode or silent (quiet)," explained Miranti Soetjipto as directed by A. Makmur Makka in the book Mr. Crack from Parepare (2018).

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