
JAKARTA History today, 57 years ago, April 28, 1966, President Soekarno inaugurated Ali Sadikin as the new Governor of DKI Jakarta. Bung Karno reasoned that Ali's stubborn figure was suitable to perpetuate his dream of beautifying Jakarta.

Bung Karno's trust was paid for completely. The man who is familiarly called Bang Ali became the most successful figure in advancing Jakarta. Previously, Soekarno often interfered in the election of Jakarta leaders. He once chose Governor from various circles. From politicians to artists.

Jakarta is the center of the struggle of the Indonesian people. That is the narrative that Bung Karno often sings. He also often perpetuates efforts to beautify Jakarta. The monumental buildings were initiated. Likewise with statues and monuments.

He never stopped to continue to build Jakarta. Because, Jakarta is the main face of Indonesia. Whoever comes to Indonesia, then Jakarta becomes the gateway of the country. Bung Karno has no doubt about that. Even though Indonesia's economic conditions are in disarray.

A series of developments in Jakarta were later remembered as the Old Order lighthouse project. However, Bung Karno was unable to devote all his time to building Jakarta. He needs a regional leader who thinks the same as him.

Therefore, Bung Karno often interferes in determining the leader of Jakarta. He wants Jakarta to be led by people who have integrity and big dreams. Bung Karno has also chosen the leaders of Jakarta from various circles. From politicians to Artists. Everything is done so that Jakarta is equal to the capital city of a big country in the world.

Filled with a masculine metaphor, Bung Karno believes in the needs of the capital city to become monumental. Stable governance requires stable city symbols. For Soekarno, the representative structures of the nation's capital are really needed by Jakarta.

"Monuments like that are a must, not something luxurious: pants and not ties. For Bung Karno, identity problems are daily problems," said Abidin Kusno in the book Behind Post-Colonial: Architecture, City Space and Political Culture in Indonesia (2006).

Soekarno's choice to lead Jakarta is also numerous. However, many of them could not satisfy Bung Karno's desire to beautify Jakarta. Henk Hanging from among artists, for example. his leadership did not satisfy Soekarno's heart.

Bung Karno began to look at the military. Ali's name appeared. However, people close to Soekarno thought Ali was a stubborn figure. Ali is considered unsuitable to lead Jakarta. Bung Karno also has other opinions. The figure of Ali is considered a suitable figure to lead Jakarta because he is stubborn. Bung Karno then appointed Ali as Governor of DKI Jakarta on April 28, 1966. Ali later became the most successful figure in leading Jakarta.

The 'Sifatkoppig' also caused President Soekarno to make Ali Sadikin the Governor of DKI Jakarta. Several candidates were proposed. All rejected. Until the Deputy Chief of the Regional Military Command Dr. Leimena said: there is Ali Sadikin, but he is a stubborn person. Bung Karno said, in fact, to take care of Jakarta, a need for a green beetje koppigheid, a little stone head."

"So, Ali Sadikin was inaugurated as Governor of DKI Jakarta on April 28, in the uniform of the Navy's Major General of the Command Corps (KKO) all-white, because he is still active in ABRI," said Rosihan Anwar in the book 'Petite Histoire' Indonesia volume 3 (2009).

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